
I think you need to stop playing Competitive and just take it easy.

Funny how my experience is the opposite: idiots complaining every time I pick Ana, never noticing me putting ulting enemies to sleep or saving their bacon from the distance, or even criticizing me for ulting Reinhardt, AS IF THAT ISN’T ONE OF THE BEST PICKS FOR HER!!

I lol at these comments. I’m pretty good with both Hanzo and Ana, but I guess that mostly comes from being a good team player. I end up playing tank or support most games.

I’m a level 16. I threw a Pokeball at a CP10 Pidgey. He got out. Threw 2 more. He got out and ran away.

Bad players play badly, breaking news. More tonight at 8

You ok?

From the Animals and Kanye West, to Eminem and the White Stripes

Glad to know you appreciate me enough to be tired of my opinions.

I certainly agree with the sentiment, but let’s be honest, even if they do fix the three-step bug, we’ll still use the API scanners.


This exactly:

They don’t have a clear indication of how the step system works, and that system doesn’t even currently work and it’s been broken for weeks with no fix in sight.

The breakdown posted about the egg system and the lack of response there is also disheartening.

Now they are griping because we’re finding ways

No kidding. I’m in the middle of Chicago right now, and my radar is completely full. Pokevision is showing a few that are nearly 3 city blocks away, with others that are closer that aren’t showing up because the glitch.

So many times this... Fix your shit and get it working before you start complaining about cheating... Especially when the “cheating” is just a way for people to actually play the game effectively since its broken as fuck right now.

I’ll tell them what. I’ll stop using the API scanners as soon as they fix the fucking 3-step bug. How about that? just totally raped his parenting skills.