
He discusses the history of the Israel and Palestinian conflict and the impact of Jewish lobbyists on America’s foreign policy.”

If you still believe in the mythological “2023 moderate Republican” then I’d maybe be careful throwing around words like “clownishly.” 

Flippers don’t hack people. People hack people.

Google says otherwise, because words can have multiple meanings, so...

This sounds like a person who will never be a productive member of society and is, in fact, a major threat to the safety of others. He should be locked up for life with no probation.

It may no longer be relevant, but I thought the big twist in the Unity saga was the “It’s not the developer that has to pay the Runtime Fee, it’s the distributor.”

A lot of controversy today! Consider the case where there are 4 cards: 2 black and 2 red. We have these possible patterns:


Each of these patterns can occur in 4 different ways (swap the black cards, swap the red cards, or swap both the red and the black cards) making up the 24 total possible

Say you flip over 13 cards out of a standard 52 card deck. 10 of them are black, 3 of them are red. There are now 16 black cards and 23 red cards in the deck. The odds that the next card (or any card remaining) will be red is 23/39, or about 59%.

First, did Stanford ever ask what this football player was doing in public? Why wasn’t he home studying or in class? If he’d been where he was supposed to be, instead of out with his friends, he wouldn’t have gotten coffee spilled on him. Assaults never happen at home or in class, and he should have known that.

Dumb question: why are the players allowed to bring their own beanbags? It seems only sensible to me that, above a certain level of competition, all the players are issued regulation bags by the organizers. I can’t imagine they would be that expensive to make or buy.

Most publishers are virulently transphobic and rant about it openly?  Interesting.

Let’s hear it for ranked choice voting, which while confusing if you haven’t dealt with it before, actually helps elect the candidates with the broadest support across the entire electorate. It essentially lets you say: I like Candidate A, but if I can’t have him/her, I would prefer candidate B, and have that

Demonizing immigrants because of the actions of one rapist would be like me labelling all white Italian women as “cunts” because of the actions of one deranged right-wing politician.

Fuck you, leave.

fuck you, leave

No, it serves the people. You’re confusing the word ‘serve’ and the word ‘elected’. Most public servants aren’t elected, but they serve the needs of The People. Your Civics courses served you poorly because it forgot to teach you philosophy at the same time. There is no “law” absent people. It isn’t a separate thing

If the law doesn’t serve the people, then it’s useless. I’m not sure you understand that. 

It is really so hard to understand why this happens?

That’s all junk science. It’s cop-drama bullshit, and literally performs worse than randomly at detecting deception or motive.

“I see your truck has testicles. Did it come with those?”
“Nah, I got ‘em at the huntin’ store.”
“So... you gave your truck gender-affirmation surgery by sticking a pair of balls on it that it wasn’t given when it was born?”