
Only for now. They won’t stop until they get Gilead. They’re going after contraception and gay marriage next.

I thought of Graham’s Number. 

Democrats already have the youth vote. The young people that vote overwhelmingly vote democrat. The problem is that young people overwhelming don’t vote at all.

Like those who have abusive exes they’re hiding from being completely unable to continue using social media...

Not sure you’d be able to collect unemployment? You can get unemployment if you were fired as a part of some mass layoffs, but if they fire you with cause (for not “doing your job by coming in to the office”) think you’ll be rejected for unemployment. Or is California different?

Now playing

You also have a big ass pyramid by the mud.

So, if a chemical being pulled out for the gummy bears comes from plastic, and plastic comes from oil, and oil comes from long dead and crushed plants and animals; are these gummy bears vegan?

But it’s lucky thing I had my synchrotrons.

Anyway, I started blastin’!

They also never have ectopic pregnancies. If they did, that must mean they’re secretly slutty sinner and god’s just punishing them so they get what they deserve.

I don’t get it. Is this what the next season of Arrested Development will be about?

Yeah, Nestle isn’t exactly the shining beacon of progressive values and human rights. Their business model at this point seems to be working towards a monopoly on all drinkable water.

What about run-fire batteries? I haven’t heard of those.

Now playing

I’m at the Pizza Hut. I’m at the Taco Bell. I’m at the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.

Not getting the intended illusion at all, but what I am getting is that the black dots that are in my peripheral vision appear to have smaller white dots inside of them.

Why is it that we only ever hear about celebrity women being placed in some kind of conservatorship because they’ve “gone crazy”.

There’s plenty of insane rich celebrity men out there doing all kinds of crazy things and blowing their money in stupid ways. Why aren’t people who spend their life savings of NFTs not being

It is like a ponzi scheme except one where the chain continues. With a regular ponzi scheme, you have one person A at the top who scams B, C, D, E and F by paying B with money from C, paying C with money from D, and then A runs away with E and F’s money and never paying. But with crypto each link in the chain becomes

A combination of early adopters scamming since it’s in their best interest if no one else sells and the people duped by them convinced into believing that the price would continue to rise and thus the longer they wait the more money they’d make.

At least they’re only making 4 more of them! XD

Indeed, even Nazis love Israel. The existence of Israel means all the Jew can go live there instead of in whatever country the Nazi is from. It’s the same reason Nazis get along just fine with Black Ethnonationalists. They have a shared goal of creating separate ethnostates.

Same with many truck drivers. They only get paid while they have a load behind them or per job. And yet they often have to wait for hours at a loading dock for the shipment they’re supposed to haul whilst not being paid for their time spent waiting.