
To me, I see no dishonor from Karjakin here. If 2 players find themselves in a position where there might be a three-move-repetition draw, and doing anything other than moving to continue the repetition would leave you in a worse position, why wouldn’t you? It’s no different than in an endgame trying to cause your

I think they think it’s the other way around. They are the “natural native person” and they think the federal government is the invading illegal corporation with no legal authority.

That’s where the “sovereign” part of sovereign citizen comes in. They think that they are their own state in the same way say a sovereign monarch would be. Like how the Queen of England doesn’t need a driver’s license to drive a car because British drivers licenses are all issued “in the queen’s name”, so she can just

Gilead Nationalist March

The responsibility for the brakes may not be his at all. But once he knows the brakes are not working, do you not think he has some responsibility (though I’d agree not 110 years worth) to not endanger the lives of others in an attempt to save himself? He could have veered off the side of the road or something, could

Yeah, one way to look at it is that he was faced with a trolley problem of his own: crash into something more likely to kill himself alone, or crash into something more likely to let himself survive but which could kill several others, and he chose to risk the lives of others to save himself.

Then it would be “Urcloaca”.

This feels like a greek tragedy at this point. Like she travelled to the oracle at Delphi and was told a vision of her having the ugliest of hair, and so she spends her life trying all sorts of ill advised things to avoid the prophesized “bad hair” but all of her efforts to avoid it end up being the cause of the hair

Found the tankie.

“How to destroy your own relationship for the LULZ”

I thought the problem was that because of the lack of gold sources compared the to gold sinks, no one wanted to trade gold for resources because they needed their gold for other things? So, how do you sell resources for gold if no one’s buying with gold? Or maybe you were on a server where few players had the kinds of

The OP said no such thing”
But he did though. His comment was in context of this specific Destiny 2 bug. A bug which would absolutely make the game mode entirely unplayable if exploiting the bug was unpunished and thus widespread. And this bug will also take a few months before Bungie has a proper fix in place. It’s

That’s like being fined for breaking a law only after you did the thing which caused the law to be written in the first place.”

No it’s not. It’s like breaking the law after the law is written. It’s almost always clear in these situations what was intended. Just because that’s not what the game code actually did or

Other bugs in online games can have the effect of breaking entire in game economies. There have been several bugs in the past that have allowed players to duplicate hard to obtain items or gain effectively infinite gold. If only a few players exploit some bug, the situation can often be cleaned up. And this is often

Or “digging another hole would take a lot of extra time and effort, just stick ‘em in the same hole”.

Indeed. And it would go soooo badly for them. They legit believe they are the “silent majority”, when in reality, Trump supporters are maybe a quarter of the population, and of those only a fraction actually want a civil war. If they actually managed to start one, it would be over fast. They would be crushed, and

A lot of them legitimately want those roads, emergency services, hospitals, schools, trains, and airports to be privatized and would be thrilled to not have the government not paying for them anymore. They think it’ll be some kind of Ayn Randian Gault’s Gulch Utopia; instead of the return to feudalism they’d actually

I’m not anti, I’m just pro-post hoc rationalization!

Is milk just anything that looks like milk? 

Because it seems their real life names are unknown as of yet. And these suits would seem to be exactly an attempt to uncover their real names and impose real life consequences.