
Vote with your feet. Go elsewhere and show them how you feel. They couldn't give two shits about commenting. All they want is page views to sell advertising. There are plenty of alternatives out there and these people don't deserve to make money from the way they run their "business".

Might I also point out that creating a fake Facebook page is against the T&Cs of the site and likely the others. I wonder how they feel about you telling people to do that?

Just what I was looking for. Thank you very much.

Ain't happening. If you force it, it'll be final nail in the coffin for me to get my information elsewhere. I've put up with a lot of shit from the gawker network, but I've stuck around. I think this'll be the last straw for me. BTW, looking down through the comments, I see almost everyone feels the same way, but the,

The same way when you take a long exposure of a road at night the only thing you see are the light trails, you don't see the cars. Doing it in daylight just creates empty space. Anything not still for those few minutes won't register enough on the sensor to show up. It wouldn't hurt to take a few exposures just in

What, somehow manages to remove the existence of all shadows? There's no way it looks anything like this in real life unless that 32k alters the laws of physics.

I'd just lose all respect for that person in an instant. That'd be the 32k penis extension worthless.

I'm sorry, but you're wrong. The smaller the sensor, the greater the depth of field. The larger the sensor, the shallower the depth of field. Optics 101.

Do any electronics really become collectable to any real degree?

Just long exposures. If they put a heavy ND grad on a camera and take exposures of minutes then the end result should look like this.

It doesn't promote faith that the guy in charge has so little faith in their ability to perform that they don't believe the stock will be worth more in future.

As I understand it, they had a poor showing when they hit the market. If people didn't want the stocks then, why buy a pile of them now? Especially when the guy who doesn't want them is the guy in charge of the company.

Nothing gullible about it. This is just now lottery winners are notified. Many people have a standing bet set up to play the same numbers automatically and are notified if they win anything. It's beyond ignorant to assume that every country runs their lottery the same as yours.

This clearly an insect flying in front of the lens. How can anyone possibly believe anything else?

Was anyone else convinced this was the gopher from Caddyshack for a moment?

I don't need anyone's permission not to buy it. And I wholeheartedly disagree that it's worth the money. It wasn't worth what I paid on PC to me and it won't be worth 1600 points either.

It's bullshit? Here's a quote from the article: "Apparently some old Smart Covers and third-party cases aren't working with the new iPad" There's a word in there that explains why yours might work and other won't. See if you can spot it.

Maybe it does when you're 10. Which I have to assume he is.

I know they're obviously trying to correlate between 360 and PC pricing, but 1600 points for Minecraft? I'd have been interested in it for 360 if it was cheaper, but I'm just not willing to pay that for it.