
Joystiq, destructoid, IGN and Vox have me covered now. I'll be removing my bookmark to Kotaku within minutes and won't be back.

Well, that's lifehacker and io9 down for me. Now Kotaku. Hello Joystiq.

There's more reasons for that than used games sales and piracy. How many games a year blow you away that are new IPs and not just the latest blockbuster sequel or more of the same generic shit? We're having to rely on indie developers to give us things like Limbo, Minecraft and Angry Birds. Big publishers are giving

If people aren't buying a publishers game, it must be used game sales or piracy, surely? It couldn't possible be that they just made a shitty game. Hell, if there's a wide selection of your game available used, it's not a good sign in itself. It's the best review system in the world. I used to be good friends with a

When you buy a car on craigslist, an angel in the Ford factory dies. Don't you know anything?

Don't worry, the greed will come back to bite them in the ass. Restricting customers and nickle & diming them never ends well. If they manage to shut out used games, let's how they feel when not only are their own profits down, but the profitability of the game market in general plummets. I can't wait to see what

Exactly, my friend. The difference between used and new can sometimes be 30 to 50%. You can't double the price of something and expect to sell the same amount. Countless companies have learned that just by raising the price slightly, they lose customers in droves. Looks how people reacted to Netflix adding like a buck

They look at the big profits Gamestop are making on used games and feel they money belongs to them. They're too stupid to see that people buy them used because it's better value. If that option wasn't there, games sales would be way, way down. Somehow publishers think that if they take away the used game market,

Yep. Just like used books, used cars or used anything. In my case, I own thousands of pounds worth of guitars and photography equipment and I've bought lots of those used. The only industry that whines about used sales is gaming and honestly, I'm getting pretty f**king sick of hearing them bitch about it. It's not

Utter bollocks. If games were cheaper, most people would buy new. Publishers are whiny bitches who act like gamers are out to get them. People buy what's cheaper. If they can get the same product cheaper, they will. Publishers managed to get PC games down to an acceptable price, often 50% of the console version.

I never said otherwise. In fact, that's why I said they're the only ones who are happy about this. Gamers having the used option taken away and game stores having a major revenue source cut off are they ones who'll backlash and without them, no profit for publishers or console makers. It's a risky move, if it's true.

That makes more sense, yeah. You can only hope there's little truth to these rumours then. I hope so too, although having a game with a code so I can install it and not need the disc is something I'd be happy to have.

What facts? There are no facts there, nothing but unsubstantiated rumours.

Good point. Publishers have to remember that places like Gamestop are responsible for a good majority of their sales. Pissing them off and cutting out a big revenue stream from them doesn't seem smart. In fact, publishers are the only ones that will be happy about this. Stores and gamers aren't going to like it and

You do realise everything about the next offering from Sony & Microsoft, and a majority of the stuff on the Wii U are rumours, don't you? You're making a decision based on something some dude told a website that then posted it? You don't see anything wrong with that?

"...I bet it has something to do with people in other countries still buying the ps2." No, it's do with using x64 architecture and the PS3 using the custom designed Cell architecture. Microsoft worked their asses off on back-compat with the 360 and they were software emulating an underpowered x86 system on a PowerPC

I don't see how restricting used game sales really help anyone. People usually buy used because they can't afford new. Unless they make new games about 25% cheaper, they're just going to sell less. Those people who would have bought a used game and at least used their hardware, are now less likely to buy a game at all

You want them them to write a PS3 emulator that can run on x64 hardware? Have you been sniffing glue?

Surely making a statement or threat like this is a criminal offence, regardless of what medium it's done through? I wouldn't just let that go.

No, laid-off means no longer employed. Having you hours cut is not the same.