What's wrong with that? I run the server applet on my machine while I'm playing with friends and it works fine. Don't see why it would be any different on 360.
What's wrong with that? I run the server applet on my machine while I'm playing with friends and it works fine. Don't see why it would be any different on 360.
Come on people. It's right there in the link "...for the first time in "Minecraft," split-screen multiplayer as well as over Xbox LIVE."
So was mine. Gain a sense of humour.
Why is someone dumb for assuming that a disc that looks exactly like a handwritten DVD-R is exactly what it looks like?
How many of those are getting returned to the store? Clever idea in principle, but a terrible idea to execute.
If google maps did it, the brand would be roughly in the right place but never correct. It wouldn't be saying "there's a dunkin donuts here", it'd be saying "there's a dunkin donuts within four blocks of here. Find it your damn self."
It's like saying you didn't notice the yellow cabs. They're so ubiquitous (that's right) that you just don't notice them. You might be in one now and not even know it.
I thought those were just placeholders, in that if there isn't a business in a storefront, a Duane Reade automatically moved in.
There's a few features there that already exist in Lightroom which is considerably cheaper than Photoshop.
Not unless they plan to port if to x86 code.
That's what you get for not waiting two decades. Fool.
The same fools who have been trying desperately to do something with the brand from just after the Amiga died in the 80s. I don't know why these people still think the brand carries weight. They've got access to the Internet, don't they? Googling around in their lunch hour could have saved a waste of a massive…
I hope you warmed up before a stretch like that.
"But, but... it's an Amiga!" It's no more an Amiga than my existing PC is if I just write 'Amiga' on it in marker.
"Too much calcium, for example, can cause kidney stones." A myth, I'm afraid.
Just one day I'd like to check this site and not be told that something does this, prevents that or causes the other.
Your hair is slipping down onto your face? How's that work?
I worked in a place just like this in the UK. People were disposing of electronics at local council dumps thinking they they were being recycled and disposed of safely. Not so. Like you say, the precious metals were stripped out, the glass was sold off and everything was compacted and dumped in a landfil anyway.…
Because lions are real?
It looks like a person, but it can't be. Must be bigfoot. That's quite a jump of logic they're taking there. What possible reason do they have for discounting that it's a person?