
He's not that smart. He got caught.

He IS an asshole. Didn't you read the reports Gizmodo turned up on him?

Because for some fucked up reason everyone has the right to reproduce.

The biggest majority of eMagazine publishers are using News Stand. Plex, which I use for my media library is written for iOs. All good reasons why I'm sticking Apple hardware. It does what I want and I can afford it. Why not?

They've also paid a lot of $ to some employees. Not cool, really.

"...will offer compatibility with some sort of interchangeable solid-state card storage" Compatibility with what?


Once again, there is no difference, it's a movie! Why do you want historical accuracy in a fictional story? It only affects someone's enjoyment if they're a total anorak. Cowboys didn't dress anything like John Wayne did. Do you complain about that too?

I'm not arguing against increasing the processing power per-se. I'm saying if you're going to increase a products processing power to the level where not every model can play the same game, make it very clear and distinct that it's a different model. Give it a unique name or styling. Just make a distinction between

The name is "the new iPad". I refuse to call it that. I also refuse to refer to is simply as "iPad" when a product with that exact name convention already exists.

Yes, but regardless of what small costs are incurred, by Sony make it free and easy for customers to play their game, they buy something worth more than the licensing cost: customer good will. Giving customers the raw end of the deal can drive away existing or new customers. Keep them happy and they're more likely to

It seems retarded to keep upping the horsepower of the iPad. You'll end up with games and apps designed for the iPad3 (I refuse to use it's official, stupid name) and not the iPad 2 and 1 and so on. Given that Apple doesn't clearly brand the devices with which generation you have and it's aimed at the casual user,

Why shouldn't it be? There's little to no cost involved for Sony to make it free to you. As I said, they should reward customers who are loyal enough to buy two systems and games for at least one of them. Given that the PSP was ruined by the majority of people not paying for games, making the few who did pay shell out

"...semblance of historical reality" It's a god-damn movie of a fictional character! One-eyed Willie wasn't a real pirate and they didn't bury piles of treasure everywhere, but it didn't ruin the Goonies. If you're not going to just enjoy a good story and pick every little detail apart, don't go see it.

Having two systems is a blatant one.

"...which allows Vita owners re-buy their already owned UMDs on the PSN for a drastically reduced price." Should be free. Their only real overhead here is the bandwidth to send it to you. You've already supported them by buying two systems and a game. The least they could do is let you keep playing it for free.

"unsubscribing"? You choose to come here.

As if the evidence doesn't already stand for itself, he looks like a proper dick in that picture. The type of face you'd never tire of punching.

You can still do it. It just won't be the Mayans' fault.

If you were going to hold a told-you-so-you-idiots party every time idiots were wrong, you'd have died from exhaustion or alcohol poisoning long ago. Hell, YouTube commenters alone would provide enough reason party until the end of time.