
What's the point of writing 'application' when a truncated word is available?

Well, this is a consumer preview which is essentially an Alpha, i.e feature complete. From my observations, there's no way not to use Metro. Sure, you can go to the desktop, but there's no start menu nor any way to launch applications from there. I also assume if an app is designed for Windows 8, you'll get a metro

All new architectures take time to get to grips with. Just because Sony go with a known architecture doesn't mean that you won't get crappy ports. It all comes down to the tools made available and it's one area that Microsoft have out shined all others in the past. Hopefully Sony can learn from that and improve on it

Because they think it impresses people. The only people who really pay attention are law enforcement. You can bet your ass someone, somewhere, is taking notice of this clown.

The second worst crime a hacker can commit after hacking itself is to boast about/admit to a hack in a public forum. He's obviously not as smart as he seems to believe he is.

I didn't realise IBM had thrown in the towel on their part of it. Must have missed that news. Thanks for the info. I guess that was a monumental waste of money in overall terms.

Surely the R&D shoving into the cell isn't being written off after one generation? That would be an embarrassing failure. I can't begin to imagine the total revenue put into that project from start to finish. Seems just mental to throw it on the scrapheap.

Well, it won't. Touch interfaces had to adapt because you just don't have the precision you have with a mouse. With a mouse and cursor, you could easily click on an icon that was only 5 pixels square. With your fat finger and odd viewing angle, it's not possible, which is why touch interfaces are designed around big

As a professional developer, I'm not talking out of my ass. When you start talking about 'pinching' and 'swiping', you're not talking about mouse and keyboard. Sure, you can design an interface where simple movement and touch mimic basic mouse interaction, but you can only specialise for one or the other, not both.

In what way can you turn metro "off"? Sure, you can still go back to the desktop but you can't do shit there.


I tried the developer preview and hated this. I thought I'd give them another shot and try the consumer preview. I still hate it. It's an unintuitive mess of crap. I decided to give the Xbox companion a try. It popped up with instructions on how to use it with an 360 console. Not sure why. I click connect. Instead of

Progress does not mean "something new". It means advancement. It means improvement. I find Metro to be neither. I've been using Windows since 3.1 and I've never once complained about the menu bar, drop down menus or any other fundamental interaction with the OS. Sure, tablets need Metro because it's a different way of

I don't have access to a touch device to try it. I find it cluttered and unintuitive.

As a novelty for playing around with, it's fine. For any other purpose, not so much. All depends on how curious you are.

Any specific reason why you're using Vista when a perfectly viable replacement in the form of Windows 7 has been around for years?

The basic interface hasn't really changed since the developer preview which has been available for months.

Got any reputable source that they ever said that?

What's Jobs' death got to do with anything? This has been in development for years and the developer preview was out before he even announced he was sick. I don't see the correlation between the two.