
This is a new way to interact with your computer, but who's to say it's "progress"? Progress implies improvement. Have you used it? Because I have, and I certainly wouldn't throw the word 'progress' at it.

I couldn't recommend against that highly enough. This is essentially beta software and a beta OS at that. Install it into a VM if you want to try it. It would be madness to install it on your main machine.

I can understand using a touch screen on something you hold in your hands, but do you really want to raise your hands up to your screen every time you want to interact with something?


Why does every company involved in "protecting" copyrights on music have to be full of douchebags?

Are they spraying water on a jet fuel fire..?

Didn't take long for someone to make a tired "joke".

Except different.

A water bottle holder costs about the same as a coat hanger. I'm honestly not sure of the point of this. How often do you need a water bottle holder and how often is that need so desperate that you can't wait to get to a bike store to just buy one for a couple of bucks?

That lends a little more weight to the story. If it's deleted due to an NDA violation, it not only means the guy's a clown, but could possibly be in the unemployment line very soon.

I doubt that tweet means what you assume it to mean. If it was a next gen console developer meeting, he'd have signed a hefty NDA to attend and tweeting what the event is and the codename of the machine it's based around would almost definitely be breaking that.

Are you admitting to being turned on by child's voices..?

Why she putting on that ridiculous child-like voice? I'm also assuming she doesn't speak a word of English and has learned that song phonetically because some of those lyrics are not only incorrect, they're also not even words.

That's not what he said. I quote: " No matter how large the sensor is..."

Bollocks. What about the Mk5II? 21MP and fantastic low light photography. The examples disproving that statement could go on.

Small sensor with high pixel count in low light = High ISO which = noise. Noise reduction = loss of detail and sharpness. There's simply no way around it. No software is going to solve that problem effectively.

That depth of field has to be software generated. It just flies against all the rules of optics for it to happen physically unless they've somehow squeezed an APS-C sensor and massive lens in there. I just wish phone manufacturers would stop increasing the megapixel counts on their sensors. Scratch that. I just wish


Not ok'd. Created. Much worse.

I didn't think it was possible for eyebrows to be in that position without drawing some on.