
No, they ARE forcing you. They advertise that the system is compatible with something you already own but won't let you play it without paying them again. How the fuck is that self-entitled or whiney. You'll notice that Nintendo sell classic SNES and NES games on the Wii. Good move. What they don't do is advertise

Maybe actually read the article and see his whole argument rather than skimming a few lines and writing a stupid comment. If you did, you'd understand how pointless your argument is.

Your point would stand if Sony didn't allow PSP games on Vita at all. It does, and it expects you to buy them again. It also gives Japanese gamers a cheaper way of doing it. That's where the cheating the consumer part comes in. Personally, I think it would have been better for them to not have any backwards

This is just one of many reasons why a proprietary disc technology is bad.

I'm sorry, but even with the sales, it's not cheaper. I got Skyrim from them when it was on sale and I still paid more than my local game dealer was offering it off the shelf.

Hmm. Didn't say console piracy was difficult nor did I act innocent. I'm not sure what your point is here.

Why would that affect them stealing? Games cost more on steam than they do in the stores. In some cases considerably more. If piracy is about not paying, then why would an expensive online service make them feel differently?

God fucking bless you for that. I hold the same opinion. I'm Scottish and I've met way too many Americans, in NYC specifically, who claim to be Scottish or Irish. When I point out the accent and say they must have immigrated early, they tell me they were born in the US but one of their parents or grandparents is

He's American. What does it matter what his heritage is? It's just lucky that he's of a heritage that has physical traits that allow you to recognise him as such. If he had European roots, I'm sure no one would care.

Careful with those. You'll have someone's eye out.

Two different comments calling anyone with a corvette a douche? Someone's obviously bitter and jealous that they can't afford one. Can you afford the bed?

"...almost 100K in debt from being a good university." I'd ask for the some of that cash back.

Well, not staying competitive and allowing both of your competitors to have new products on the shelf and you've got nothing is not a good way to stop losing money.

Why the hell would a console need USB 3.0 and gigabit connectivity? Your controllers are sending minuscule signals and your games are transfering small amounts of data over slow WAN connections. I don't see an advantage to either and I certainly don't imagine them as bullet points for the hardware development guys.

I have a 6850 and I have no idea where that sits in their range overall. I've had people tell me that cards beginning with a 4 and 5 are faster than my card. That makes no sense to me. Read this and tell me it's logical and user friendly: []

Why is this such a big deal for Activision? They release a new CoD game at the end of every year. Everyone and their dog knew to expect this to be released, so why all the hassle? It's hardly a secret.

I was about to buy a £550 guitar once and they refused when I asked them to throw in a free cheap gig bag just to get it home since I didn't have hard cases with me. The list price on the gig bag was £9.99 and they wouldn't give it away. I walked away with them losing £550 income instead of £10.

If I plan on trying for a cheaper price on something in a store, especially in a big store, I always ask for the manager. I wouldn't expect a standard sales assistant to have the power to knock down prices and I'm surprised anyone else does. I assume from your comment it's a common misconception?

I've discovered since moving from the UK to Denmark that some countries on the continent don't appreciate you attempting to haggle. I tried to get a lower price on a computer monitor here that was a display model. He wouldn't budge on price and wanted me to pay full price. When I explained that it had been sitting on

I recently had a clear out and sold off a bunch of stuff and I quickly ran out patience for an endless line of idiots doing exactly what you said. I even had one guy send me a link to one of the guitars I was selling off showing what it cost in the US and claimed that he should be paying the same in Denmark. What a