
More than the mod with mubcrabs with top hats and monocles?

You want to buy all the DLC up front and pay more for a game you're not interested in?

And again, this article is about non-savvy users, so you're not making much of a point there.

Well, no, because it's been stated that almost all new phones will get an upgrade to ICS. There's certainly no "couple-of-month-old phones" incapable of running or unlikely to get an upgrade to ICS. Don't know where you got your information from, but it's wrong. Search for it yourself and see.

"inferior"? Interesting choice of word.

I wish I'd caught the most epic fall I ever witnessed on camera. A woman running while carrying an armful of takeaway from McDonalds trying to beat the light on a pedestrian crossing because she couldn't wait two minutes. Traffic start moving just as she got to the road and she tried to stop running but only the top

She's probably limping because she's so much of a f**king idiot that's it's likely not the first time she's done it.

Ignore the warning? You mean just install anyway? Which one of "cancel" or "eject disk image" means install anyway?

What version of Windows are you talking about? Apps will ask for administrator privileges if the app requires it on Windows. That's a simple yes or no. This is any app that isn't Apple approved and it's telling you to delete it. I don't possibly see how anyone except an idiot or an Apple fanboy could think the two are

He has a point. Apple makes a shit ton of money from iTunes. Who's to say the same won't happen with the app store?

So the only reason Apple has for suggestion users delete an application is that the developers aren't "on the list", not actually checking what the application is trying to do or access?

Frankly I'm jut glad I'm getting some positives out of being a Knick fan for once. Finally that [] subscription is worth something.

While they're releasing new cards, can't they get someone in marketing to start coming up with a product naming convention that actually makes sense please?

So why doesn't a certain country invade this one to protect the World? Or doesn't this one have anything it wants?

How about wallpaper made of the stuff? You could use your PC to change your actual wallpaper. Or use it to display pictures of outside to have invisible walls. Now I want that.

I'm afraid you're wrong. Unless you care to point out where some of these places are: []

Cutting edge "humour".

They managed fine on PC and 360. If they knew the PS3 memory architecture might cause issues with their code, either make sure the game is playable or don't release it. Releasing it anyway and wait to see how much of a problem it causes is not cool. Especially knowing that by the time you get answer, you've already

Consider this site caters to the same target group that this product is aimed at, the comments do not give confidence that anyone is going to buy this.

It does indeed work. I managed it yesterday after reading your comment. I bought the PC version for the inevitable mods and didn't fancy starting from scratch when I had a level 51 game on 360. Thanks to your tip, I can continue playing on PC. Thanks for the heads up. :)