
Yes, but are you going to continue to post news as you receive it or are you going to wait for the "right schedule" to post it?

You're clearly way more qualified to be in charge of site development here rather than the monkey currently employed. Your idea is logical, easy to implement and would keep everyone happy. Therefore, we won't get it.

Just wait the inevitable run of articles explaining to users what the f**k is going on and how to use it, just like last time. Simple rule of web development: If you're having to explain what's going on, you're doing it wrong.

You could ask that of many of the changes they've made: Why? Stopping you replying to comments that are deemed to be "too short"? I'd like to meet the genius that not only thought that was a good idea but actually got away with implementing it. I have no idea what goes through the minds of the people in charge here.

No, he clearly means devolution.

You're primarily a news site. If people don't see the news as it happens in the gaming industry on your site, they'll go elsewhere. I know I will. This sounds like a terrible idea to me, but then I've thought that consistently about the changes you've made. I used to get my gaming news exclusively from Kotaku but

If you could fine people for saying stupid stuff on the Internet, Google would make way more money from YouTube.

That doesn't affect that statistical change of whether an elevator is in good mechanical condition or not.

Looks like an enemy from Bart Vs The Space Mutants. Video games taught me that a quick spray with some paint will get rid of it. Or do I have that flipped and someone's already tried?

A bible-bashing troll? Surely you're a new species of troll? And there's you saying evolution is only a theory.

Then why is there a reason not to now?

All "what" talk? All one article recently?

"I don't know that that is actually true." Of course it is. Just like if the police think you're hiding drugs, they can look at whatever or wherever they like, regardless of whether you'd rather they didn't. If you're suspected of illegal items on your PC, you lose all right to privacy there too and the police can

It's her responsibility to remember her passwords and be able to gain access to her own property, physical or otherwise. It doesn't matter if she's genuinely forgotten or whether she's pretending to. She could and likely will be held responsible for failing to grant access to the police.

It doesn't matter if you forget a password or don't have the keys. It's still your responsibility to have access to your own stuff. Acting dumb is not a valid legal argument and I fail to see how it'll help in this case either.

It's not going to help your case to refuse, though, is it? When sentencing time comes, if found guilty, I'm sure the judge isn't going to feel sorry for you.

Well, police all over the world have been doing fine for decades without tasers. They should be trained to get someone out of a car without tasering them because, you know, it's their job. You don't have to electrocute someone to get them out of a car. A little correctly applied force is all that's required. Sometimes

From what I've read, only 25% of workers actually live within the Foxconn owned area. And to be honest, from what I've read, it really doesn't sound as bad as many make out. You say "so many complaints". You're seeing what the western media want you to see. They have a lot of employees worldwide and there's been a

I also don't understand why Apple is always singled out. Just a quick look at [] shows how many major tech companies partner with Foxconn. Interestingly, despite the fact that Foxconn are always the one singled out for poor worker treatment in China, the Wiki article states they have factories in many

I agree completely. With a billion people, I'm sure Foxconn is one of tens of thousands or more companies manufacturing in China. Why are they always the target?