
Just pop over to an abandonware page. I'm sure you'll find it.

To be fair, if you don't like what someone is saying, is it really so hard to just ignore it and move on?

Why are Americans so upset that we get good vacation time in Europe? Is it just jealousy, or what?

Wow. I've seen someone run Minecraft on a netbook. What the hell are you using?

People are entitled to opinions whether they're considered "nice" or not. Even then, who's got the right to decide who's opinion is nice or valid or not? Sure, he could change how he chose to put that opinion across, but like or not, everyone has the right to say what they please.

Exactly. When did this become a thing?

I think you'll find I was responding to someone who blamed the problem on hardware capabilities. As for being able to comment on it, I've been a developer for 12 years. What qualifies you?

"The First Digital Guitar You Won’t Hate" Well, guitarist magazine would like to disagree with you and I personally wouldn't buy it for a tenth of that laughable price.

Krusty? That you?

Either you have enough money to buy the software for both platforms or the cracked version you're using might be why it crashes. Just a thought.

Yeah, expecting a mac with a dual core CPU and 2 gig of RAM to do work on a 5MB file is totally unrealistic right? I'm sure the reason so many people have problems are hardware specs and not poor programming.

It's a joke.

If I could wish for one feature from Kotaku, it'd be the ability to block users the same way you can heart them. There's just some people who spout such rubbish on a continuous basis and it'd be great to just click a button and never have to see them again. Sure, some may say it's easy to ignore these fools but it's

"If you are offended by words someone typed it is only because you allow yourself to be offended." That's a ridiculous statement. So if a black person is offended at the use of the 'N' word then it's their own fault for being offended?

I was under the impression that clicking "featured" at the top only showed star comments, but after just testing it, either it's changed or I didn't understand the feature at all.

Really? I can click anyone's username, star or otherwise and see their entire commenting history. Invaluable for sniffing out trolls before responding.

Worse than YouTube? Surely that's not possible. Click any remotely popular YouTube video and have a read. Any video will do. Even if it's something as innocuous as a kitten riding a roomba and there's at least one person who's being a dick, usually dozens. Isn't there some sort of rule that it YouTube commenting goes

I didn't know we had such a bad reputation out there. I think the commenting, for the most part, is quite good. It's nice that's it's so easy to report dodgy posts, trolls and so on. It feels more like a community and that the people on the other end do things to help. I've reported a handful of trolls over the years

A drug that messes with your brain or can cause physical harm if overused is stupid? I assume you feel the same way about alcohol & coffee? Why are those legal and socially accepted and marijuana isn't?

I'd have hit my irony quota for the year if VLC has crashed while showing this video.