
Pixel count never relates to image quality. At the most basic level, sensor size is what you're looking at. Phone sensors are always small so you're never going to get great images from them. The higher the pixel count you squeeze onto a small sensor, the more noise and interference you get from neighbouring pixels

There's always going to be better technology right around the corner. I would have thought someone with enough interest in technology to read Gizmodo would have known that CES was two weeks away from the day they were about to buy a phone and that it would have made sense to wait and see.

Decide what you want from you phone, decide what specs will perform those tasks comfortably, buy a phone with those specs as a minimum. How else do you buy something that suits your needs? It doesn't matter if that have 3 phones or 300 in their range, if you don't know what you want, you'll likely buy the wrong phone

All images taken on a tiny sensor, i.e all phone images, have that. Having such density on such a small sensor means there's no way to avoid interference from neighbouring pixels. Megapixel count does nothing except help sell phones to idiots, hence why they do it.

I agree with you up to a point. What I do take issue with is that most point & shoots are way above phone sensors. Sure, you're not going to make DSLR quality with a point & shoot, but they're hugely better quality than phone cameras.

It's to do with the economics of the country it's produced in, not just human costs. Building costs, insurance, electricity, taxes and many, many other costs increase as well as employee costs. For an example, see LEGO. Almost completely automated construction of injection moulded plastic yet is manufactured is one of

Wow. I thought if a time traveller from the past was going to issue a message that it'd have been something more interesting than this.

Have you ever looked at how many of the products around you are made in China? If you boycotted China, your house would be nearly empty and you'd have paid multiple times the cost for the things you did buy because they were made in the US or Western Europe.

"companies who was relocating their factories/business back to Denmark/Europe, because they didn't agree with the treatment of workers, and the quality of the produced goods, and I applaud them." I live there too. Good luck spending 10 times as much for things because the stuff is made in Denmark.

Yes. It passes through your system just like any other food does. Chew away.

I'm pretty sure NO airliner has EVER had a wing replaced.

There's fanboys for everything now, isn't there?

You'll notice the two rampages are on Metro, which is known for glitched players. There's no way that isn't a glitch and a whole team fail to see someone right amongst them on two separate occasion on the same level. I've been on the other end of it and it's no fun.

I live in a building that was flung together during a housing boom and they're still fixing issues with it years later, I'm not surprised that they can build a skyscraper this quick. It's building one well that quickly that's the issue. Time will tell if they managed it.

It also says "Since the point where you are standing lines up with the point on the map, if you proceed to the left in real life, you will find that bathroom you need so desperately." That only applies if the map is accurate.

I love all the people jumping to judge Microsoft based on an article based on assumptions. I'm not saying what's said here is not true, but without definitive proof, I assume no one involved in the Microsoft bashing here will take those words back if it turns out not to be true. It's so easy to get people on the

Live's voice codec is fantastic. It's people's shitty headsets that are the problems. Try talking to someone with a decent pair of Turtle Beach's and hear the difference for yourself.

How does anyone NOT know this is Samuel L. Jackson?

I don't know about bad-ass. It just seems stupid to me. The government could make her life very, very difficult. What does she hope to gain from ignoring their threats?

You're the one dragging it out. You say SR3 is more buggy than skyrim and I say, and popular opinion also says, that you're wrong. What part are you struggling with? In fact, ask someone else.