
WTF? What are you talking about with who's copy is "bugged" and who's isn't? Do you think each disc has different code on it? Skyrim is full of bugs and SR3 isn't. I don't even think you understand what's going on here.

A quick look around the internet would have told you you were wrong.

Ah, no. I've put 30+ hours into SR3 and 120+ into Skyrim and you are just plain wrong.

By "much-improved", do you mean "finally works as it should have"?

I love the McDonalds in Banff. Nicely decorated and a nice fire. Better than some I've even seen in Europe.

Play with friends and stay in party chat and have a laugh.

1. Get a bunch of friends who are decent at the game.

Have you been to a McDonalds in Europe? I'm guessing the answer is 'no'.

What's it got to do with Facebook? It's people that are the problem, not systems. You could have a 52 step log in process for security but users will still happily go through it if they get an email telling them to do so. There's no such thing as 'fool proof'.

or even better, don't go round trying to get everyone to use or not use everything you think they should.

My original Hero is still running fine and has had no issues whatsoever. Not every HTC product has issues.

In my experience, Sense 3.0 looks and runs fantastically. What's your issue with it?

I've used HTC phones exclusively for years, starting back at the Hero's release and I've had zero problems with Sense, or any other HTC code, crashing my handset.

The Incredible S is a fantastic phone for the price.

"...irritating bloatware like Sense installed on them. " Just your opinion. Personally, I much prefer my phones with Sense than without.

I would say the placebo effect is nothing more than positive thinking. If someone is ill, that can lead to a depressed or lowered mood which in turn can lead to poor physical health. Actually believing that things are going to get better, whether the administered treatment can do so or not, leads to a more positive

Doesn't seem surprising to me. My dog comes running whenever I call his name, so he knows that word means "him". He also responds to questions such as "where's your toy" without prompting and will go looking for it and also responds when I point in it's general direction, so he understands directions too. They're

"The difference is, most Americans don't act like arrogant, whiny bitches when someone mistakenly fails to recognize this fact. It's one of the many reasons why people from all over the world choose to live here." LOL. Thanks for cheering up my day. I know where I'd rather live.

Well, there is such a thing as an American accent, as they're all regional accents from the same country. Since Britain isn't a country, but a collection of four, there can't be one accent covering four differing countries.

There's more similarities in ALL American accents than there is between Irish, English, Scottish & Welsh. Unless you think Gary Oldman and Sean Connery sound anything like each other.