
It may have been meant in jest, but I hate that attitude, joke or otherwise. Like those people who used to love angry birds, but as soon as everyone and their dog was playing, suddenly it sucked and you were an idiot for liking it. I've come across too many dickheads like that in my time.

What difference does it make how popular a game is? Comes across as a very hipster attitude.

Stop it. Stop it now. There's no such thing as a "British accent". England and Britain are not the same fucking thing. Don't people learn anything about the world in school these days? I assume you're American since this attitude usually comes from there.

Despite only getting villian work for the last few decades, we still have some of the greatest actors in the world.

Thank you to you both for answering and for the lack of sarcasm or flaming. :)

Okay, explain to me how you make anything non-metallic levitate with magnetism. I accept any and all snarky comments as long as they are accompanied with something approaching a valid answer.

You keep saying the clouds look that way against the blue sky. Why don't they look different when the whole sky is cloudcast, or when you're flying and right in amongst them?

Really? We're carrying that dead meme over into 2012?

It's not that simple. MS maintain they're own backbone and data centres. A heavily trafficked service like this could, and obviously did, cause issues. Not everyone can be properly prepared all the time.

What proof is there that he would have been any different physically without meditation?

All the best, Crecente. You'll be missed.

I got the same type of response from the NBA when shat out during the season opener. I'd paid for access and the whole service crashed to it's knees during the second quarter never to resume before the game ended. All that money for a service and I ended up following the game on twitter. They eventually offered

I prefer to get my fiction and entertainment from Hollywood.

The humour went right over you head, didn't it? Didn't even ruffle your hair.

Yeah, people, the world's not going to end. The bible says so. It's never steered anyone wrong before. People act like everything that book says is gospel...

" still can't offer too many concrete explanations for what causes this phenomenon." Lies?

I thought we could, but it was expensive and there was little to learn from it. That's what I understood.

It's about time. Is there any other area of technology where we were vastly ahead in 60s/70s than we are now? I can't think of any other technology that's essentially gone backwards.

I was about to try Mixology, but this app wants access to my GPS location and my phone state? Why? Not interested. Seems fishy to me.

Has the defence of actually owning a copy of the movie you downloaded ever been fully tested in court?