

We do have QI and anything by Ricky Gervais. It's not all aimed at morons.

Sorry. Let me grab a flaming pitch fork and I'll be right back.

I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy that he went around abusing people who had no call for it and now he's asking that people don't do the same to his wife and kids. Seems a little unfair to me. You can't go around behaving one way and then complain when others are doing it, which is exactly what he's trying to do.

I hear you 100%. (Except PR is Public Relations, not representation). I don't think anyone is judging the industry as a whole based on the actions of this douchebag. At least, I hope not.

He could be technically correct that he hasn't lost any. He likely only had one and he's lost that. Maybe he means he hasn't lost any more? If the Internet hasn't already destroyed him, laughing off the efforts by saying it hasn't had much effect, well, that's like a red rag to a bull. He's supposedly asking for all

That'll be the roidrage then. Good luck, kid.

It's not cool, but this douche went around abusing and threatening people he doesn't know, so why not? Double standards and all that.

I see no remorse here. I see someone pissed off that his actions became public. It doesn't matter if he was dealing with someone from Penny Arcade or not. What's that got to do with anything? He should never treat ANY customers like this. It's not the first time he's behaved like this and it won't be the last. The

He was "caught on a bad day"? Utter f**king bullshit. He's replied to customers like this on numerous accounts over the course of the last year. A little bit of Googling would show that.

I didn't expect them to play fair, but I still think it's utter bullshit. If the shareholders had lost, I'm sure they wouldn't have had the right to go to a court for help.

So, these companies force private arbitration on people but as soon as they lose, they go running to the courts?

Thanks for the heads up. I only just realised I'm not following Crecente.

The man's a meme-machine. :)

I presume this goes without saying, but Kotaku didn't actually withdraw any support from this douche of a company in the article. Did I miss that?

The sad thing is @oceanmarketing (correct spelling) exists and seems to be a dormant account. Think of the shit storm they'll get next time they decide to stop by and see if anyone's said hello.

I can't believe the dick spelled 'marketing' wrong in his twitter username. Think of all the shit that's getting tweeted to him that he's not seeing. Not only is he shit at marketing, he's also shit as spelling it.

Yeah, he mentioned in those emails that maybe he would eBay the ones the guy was asking about. If I wonder if the Avenger guys know he's eBaying their products? Well, they would now.