
No, that's the actual Paul, the douchebag in question. He doesn't know how Facebook privacy works, it seems.

If he knows the Internet as well as he's boasting, he should have known this sort of thing would happen if enough people get to know how much of a dick he is. It's not the first time this has happened to someone and it won't be the last.

I love how people he name dropped as supporting him are now tweeting saying it's bullshit. I see this company being gone before 2012 gets here.

Funny how he's pissed that his details were publicised and that he doesn't want people to contact him. They're a Public Relations company. I mean, we already knew he doesn't understand the definitions of either of those words, but PR companies tend not to hide.

Personally, I think they should give him some space at PAX and distribute that whole email exchange on flyers around the show so that the consumers can come let him know what they think of his company.

I think when a game related company has views like " Little kids unhappy with a PRE ORDER starting trouble and you email that to us , he’s a customer unless you’re his boyfriend then you should side with the company not the customer" It's in gamers' best interests to know to steer well clear of the douchebags.

They're a PR company and they actually believe that old bullshit about any PR is good PR? I wouldn't wipe my arse with one of their products and I'll go right out of my way to avoid anything they're involved in. I hope the people he name drops do the same. It would make my day.

" The double XP is pretty useless to me in that case..." As opposed to the normally "useful" logical game points?

He's the President of the fucking USA. If a shitty Wii Game is all they get, I'd be stunned.

Do you have a legitimate source for this? I mean, did you ask Microsoft? Seems like this is something Major might have mentioned and not be released publicly by a third party dev.

Sure, a company with literally billions in the bank came with up with this scheme to get a few people to spend a few bucks on an avatar item over the next few days.

Wow. Offensive, slightly racist and not funny all in one. What a package.

I, for one, applaud this approach. I worked for a company where I was answering work related emails at all hours, even weekends and always taking care of small jobs when asked, because it only took 10 minutes. I realised that I was never really "off the clock" and in my industry, it's sort of expected to be that way,

I'm not sure I'm not the only person who read that in a 'city wok' style accent.

I'm not on any bandwagon. I had shareware DOOM on floppy and I've played the vast majority of their games. I was a gamer back when id was formed. How about you? I agree Quake 2 was passable, but that's it. I don't think their games hold up today and I wasn't overly impressed at the time. Just because I don't like

Ah, the fun I could have with leaving a Wifi connection wide open. Some people call it a 'sucker trap'.

Not this stupid bullshit again. It's stealing. If you don't think otherwise, try that defence in a court of law. Try not to be too hurt when you're laughed at.

If you got in, why couldn't they get in? Take just two seconds to try to realise what an idiotic statement that is.

You do know that most Linux distros are distributed on BitTorrent, plus many, many other perfectly legal things?