
I'm not searching for any spots. I've been fighting many enemies and everyone moves around while fighting in this game. It just so happens that on many occasions enemies have stopped attacking me because of the area I've moved to. It's not like I'm looking around for areas to fool the AI. I don't want it to happen

Well, yeah, it does. I've defeated countless enemies by just standing in a certain area that causes the enemy to freeze because the AI can't work out a path between you and it. I'm sure there's plenty of examples of it on YouTube.

Yeah, main heading navigation laterally along the top with sub navigation below. Nothing like the XMB, right?

Dreamcast had a modem built in. That's where the stretch of similarities end.

He's talking about a service integrated with the console itself. Were they the first? Yes? First console with ethernet port as standard? Check. First console designed for broadband in general? Check. First integrated online service? Check. First console with downloadable games and demos? Check. First console to allow

That's purely your opinion. I think you'll find tens of millions of people disagree with you.

You can get TV for free, so you don't pay for cable? You can free newspapers in most countries or get news for free online, so you don't pay for them either? Just because you can do something in one iteration for free means it's not worth paying for it when you get more for your money?

That's not much to do with the glitch. If you wait a few seconds in Skyrim, pretty much everyone stops attacking. Shitty AI FTW.

Sure, there's lots of videos of great bugs out there, but how many have you actually encountered and how many those were game breaking?

You're wasting your time. We know this is bullshit, but angry gamers who know nothing=click throughs= money.

You mean how the new live navigation is almost identical to the XMB, which no one complains about?

See, you're being logical. Stop that. I know this article/complaint is bullshit because I checked the facts for myself. We know otherwise. We're clearly in a minority here. There's a huge queue of people just chomping at the bit to jump on the Xbox complaint wagon. Or any wagon, really.

" it says it takes 17 clicks to get to Indie, and 8 for games on demand/arcade." No. No it doesn't. They're all in the same section, perhaps you should try it yourself before commenting, because I just did.

This is the biggest piece of bullshit whining I'd ever witnessed. Stop counting how many movements or buttons presses you need to get there. You go to 'games' and then 'games by type'. The Indie games are right fucking there. Top billing besides XBLA, Games On Demand & Xbox Originals. What fucking more do they want?

That's a bullshit attitude. This article/issue aside, Microsoft are one of the most developer friendly companies out there to work with. Ask any other professional developer which major company they find provides the best support and 99% of the time Microsoft will be the answer.

I already had it installed when I moved to 1.0. It didn't cause any corruption, it just stopped displaying the water had a texture on it telling me to update the mod. The game still worked. Then one day I logged in and the mod had disappeared and Minecraft was back to it's original state.

How can a game with no angled edges and low res textures look "worse"? How do you even know anything since it's not available for another six months?

It doesn't necessarily get "worse", but a smaller screen will appear sharper. I just means a larger TV has to do more technical, expensive voodoo to try to make the TV look sharp, but there's a limit to how big a TV can be before you lost sharpness.

Doesn't matter if it was staged. You try it. Done better? Such as..?

Do Playstation and Wii offer the same features as LIVE? No. Do they spend resources constantly adding large amounts of features and upgrading the user experience? No. Do they have their own dedicated backbones and data centres? No. Do they have a large dedicated staff just for the service? No. List goes on. If you