
Hasn't this issue been covered over and over? Sure, you pay to use a service on 360 which also has ads. Ever paid for cable TV? Ever bought a newspaper or magazine? Ever paid to use a bus or subway? The list goes on and on and on. Why are people so retarded that they can't see that they pay for good and services

There is an option if you don't want to pay for it. It rhymes with Pony. If you want free multiplayer, you have multiple options. What you can't do is ask that an existing platform change to suit your needs. If you're okay massive patches for both games and system, having to install demos and games after downloading,

I'd love to catch one of these petty whiners buying into a game or service that they found out about due to an ad on the Dashboard.

Why do unobtrusive ads that you can easily ignore bother people so much? Enough people block advertising, Microsoft removing advertising and increase the price of LIVE to conpensate and then the same whiners will go off down that track.

How odd. The Xbox they're using looks exactly like a PS3. When did that version come out?

Of course they are, but you're far away, so it makes no difference. I don't think you understand how TVs work. If an image is 1920 pixels wide and if you want the screen full size, of course pixels have to be bigger.

Poorest attempt at trolling I've seen in a while. Truly pathetic.

What does it matter if other developers' games have bugs? Doesn't change the fact that Nintendo are getting known for game breaking bugs or the fact that their hardware doesn't allow you to patch it out. I'd rather play a game with dozens of bugs that are patchable than one where I have to keep track of the order I do

I think you're ignoring the part of the article where no one was hurt. So, someone broke the law and threatened people, in your world, that's worth someone's life? Guns are stupid regardless of what side has one. Give over whatever they want, they leave you unhurt and only missing some money or material goods and

I'm under the impression that the code of Skyrim deals with 2Gb and no more and has nothing to do with memory leaks, number of process or underlying OS function.

Looks good on PC and you get mods but run great on 360. I'd get 360 now and maybe pick up the PC version down the line when it's cheaper, when issues might be resolved and when the modding community has grown. That's how I'm doing it anyway.

So, you want to move an object around or place it in a different area, leave that gameplay area and have everything reset? I mean, that would solve the issue, but not really in a useful way.

Your comment makes no sense. Right up there, in that article, it mentions that the PC version has issues and makes no mention of any issues on 360. Yet you say you'd rather buy the game on a platform with confirmed issues and avoid it on the only platform that's issue free so far?

You are aware that part of the issue on PC is that the engine inherently only deals with 2Gb, right? The amount of RAM you have is irrelevant.

I'm on 72 hours on 360 and while I've had the occasional freeze here and there, I notice no lag whatsoever and I play for hours at a time.

I'm in the beta and it does.

"a surprise new franchise" Then why are the majority of the suggestions up there of existing franchises?

Microsoft have been pretty upfront from first getting into the market that they wanted their console to be your media centre. It was supposed to be the 'hub' of the living room. They're still sticking to that goal. They've got a long way to go, but they're certainly picking up momentum. In the US, at least. Funny to

How's the new PS3 UI redesign looking for you? How are you finding all their new services? Anything interest you?

M$? How are the 90s, by the way? MC Hammer still big back there?