
There was a demo for SR3?

This game is also a reminder that when you loosen up, you can put the player in situations that they'd never get otherwise. I'm 80% complete on this game it's put me in situations I never expected and am truly thankful for. The last two games I played before it were Battlefield 3 and MW3 and I played through more

See, that's the problem. These aren't reviews, they're "gut checks" which is basically an opinion usually based on next to fuck all, yet people still treat them as reviews. There's a reason no other gaming outlet has tried this idea and that's because it sucks at best and is useless at worst.

I wouldn't put too much stock into these "gut checks". I certainly wouldn't make a game purchase based on it or even be swayed by them.

I'm probably one of the biggest SR fans out there and I love this game but even I had to laugh at the ridiculousness of the statement "This is a different Saints Row than the two that came before it" Bullshit. This IS SR2. There's almost no difference, but if you loved SR2, bugs and all, then you'll love SR3 just the

What? You're just one comment fail after another. I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Then reply to those comments directly or state what you're commenting on. My physic ability is in for repair today.

That'll be because it doesn't affect the PC version. Just as it says right in the article. Unless you knew that and were just trying to be smug?

Did you actually understand the problem? I'm guessing no.

You're acting like it's physical impossibility to lose your data from the cloud. It's highly unlikely, but not impossible. You still have 1s and 0s stored by someone else.

I wish the new dashboard gave the option to save to both the console AND the cloud simultaneously. I like the idea of my saves being available between my 3 console without fucking around with a memory stick, but I don't like the idea of my saves being unavailable if my connection goes down.

My apartment is 68 square meters in total with under 3 meters between TV and couch and when mounted at the correct height, kinect works fine without any modifications.

This is hardly a "tip". The documentation that comes with the kinect says to mount the kinect as close as possible to eye level. Most people don't bother reading instructions, which is why they don't know this and is why they complain about how crappy they think kinect is.

It's a couple of trampolines and a slide. You could have your own version in your back yard for 50 bucks.

If you don't like it, don't watch it. What do you care if it continues or not if you're interested in it?

Some people can afford it and I think you'll find limited edition N64 and dreamcasts are still marketable. What's the age of the hardware got to with anything? If people want it and buy it, what difference does it make?

I did look at them maximised and I still don't see anything that makes a difference to me. I'd like to think I was drawn into the world and adventure of Skyrim and not worrying about my directX bells and whistles. If I'm taking the time to notice aliasing or texture resolution, then that's quite a fail on the part of

Yeah, it's just you.

Good god, there's barely any difference. Who would care about this?

I'm obviously missing something, but why is such sensitive data contained in the same database as the forum data?