
What is it with these companies and half-assed server deployments? They should have a pretty good idea of how many users they should expect and make sure to cover that. I don't want to hear any more bullshit about 'unprecedented demand' for servers for these types of games. If I bloody well know what sort of numbers a

Is it an offence to sell an age rated game to minors?

Haven't been interested in Zelda since link to the past. Never really enjoyed Star Fox all that much on the SNES. Mario Kart will be more of the same, although it's something I might pick up. No idea what Kid Icarus even is. Luigi's mansion was a shallow tech demo for the 'cube and unless the formula has changed, it's

I love mario but it's going to take more than this to get me to pony up the dough for this system.

...says the spokesperson for the PC master race.

At first I thought he was just taking care of boosters, which is fair enough, but then he just became a dick.

Not hating. It's true.

I mean I play games on 360 so I can party chat with my friends.

Nah, some of us just prefer a more social gaming experience. Must be getting cold in that basement of yours at this time of year.

In short, the single player was over in 5 overs and I hate the multiplayer. It's a laggy, flawed experience on much smaller maps and it's not something I'm interested in. Black Ops and BF3 will supply my online gaming needs. MW3 offers me nothing that makes it worth keeping.

I think it says something that on one of the biggest game releases of the gear, two members of staff on one of the most popular gaming sites haven't played it.

I think there's a good chance you'll be disappointed. I play with a core group of friends who've literally put solid weeks of their lives into playing CoD and no one is happy with MW3. Some are making do, others don't want to play, and some, like me, are trading it for Skyrim on Friday. Maybe your experience will

I wouldn't call the SP campaign "satisfying" but any stretch of the imagination. It was 5 hours of predictable entertainment, but I guess that's 3 times more than you get from a movie. I found it much less satisfying than previous CoD games. It was much, much easier than I expected. So easy, than on numerous occasions

Multiplayer is very different from black ops and not in a good way. It's MW2 with smaller maps. I agree Battlefield offers a better online experience this year.

Well, regardless of the semantics you use, someone up there on a reputable gaming site is recommending you buy a product they haven't played. They're influencing, or trying to influence, gamer's purchases without knowing whether that product is worthwhile and that's essentially pointless. That's what reviews are for.

Decent is right. Not great, but passable at best. The campaign is incredibly easy, linear and predictable. If you're happy doing all the same stuff you've done in all the other CoD games all over again, but easier, then by all means. I finished on hardened in 5 hours.

Have I missed something? Do they have someone who hasn't even played the game telling you to go out and buy it? I'm already suspicious of the scores this game has been getting. There's no way all these gaming outlets think this game is so amazing that it's a 9/10 across the board. It's decent, but I don't see how they

I also feel like they've made it faster paced and I think partly how they've done that is to make the maps tiny. I don't like that one bit and hence I don't enjoy MP at all. You can't even throw down a care package because you're never more than 10 feet and 2 seconds away from an enemy. Constantly running into people

"...The eight-hour-or-so ride..." I don't know how the hell you got 8 hours for campaign. I waltzed through it in hardened in 5 and that's including having to restart a mission from the beginning three f**king times because it glitched and wouldn't give me a checkpoint. For what it's worth, I found the story to be

You're logic is so full of holes, I don't even know where to begin. So I won't. I'll just point out that things change and the market charges what the market will support. I have great fun playing online with my friends regularly and since I'm an adult (which I assume you're not from your comment), the cost of the