
There's a maximum of 290, which isn't going to be better or worse than any other aircraft you fly.

And it's widely accepted that Mac are becoming higher profile targets. Mac users like to think that their hardware doesn't get infected because it was forged from Jesus's own nutsack when the truth is their hardware was just so unpopular that it wasn't worth the effort. Macs are gaining popularity and eventually will

Please, it's 'aluminium'.

I can think of a dozen things I'd rather they put effort into rather than this. Otherwise there'd be more happy customers out there.

So, essentially none of the features they predicted made it into the game besides the graphics style?

No, they don't. What's so difficult to grasp? One says you don't care at all and one says you do. How is that the same? The video explains it better than I could. If you don't learn from that, there's little hope here.

The people on the phone at Xbox support don't make these decision, the policy enforcement team do. If you know anything about Stepto, you know how hard his team work and the pride they take in it. All complaints are reviewed by a human being. There must have been something in there that violated the T&Cs of LIVE.

No, I assume everyone on LIVE is a jerk. And I'm right more often than wrong. Go see for yourself.

They do offer an explanation. As far as I'm aware, you're notified when you're banned. Maybe the kid deleted it?

Uh, they did talk to Microsoft. It's right there in the article you choose to skim through instead of read.

Or perhaps his 24 or 48 hour ban expired and the policy guys are none the wiser? Also, writing M$ makes you come across as a douche. It's not the 90s.

Microsoft don't randomly ban people for nothing. There's a system in place. If you've spent any time whatsoever on Live, it's safe to assume everyone's a douche until proven otherwise, unlike in the real world.

Can't they just tell us the plot now and save us having to endure boring mini games to get between cutscenes? Then they don't have to waste money making anything.

Ah, maybe that's why. I moved to Denmark from the UK. I have a Danish console but a UK live account. I might get the indie games channel but I can't use my Dankort to buy points on the console, which sucks.

"...indicate they could care less how their smoking affects you". Really? Couldn't care less. Come on, you write for a living.

We can't? I can't say I've ever tried. I assumed everyone could. One more thing we don't get for our money then.

I thought I read it was coming to the indie games service?

It's just idiotic business practice. Why spend all that R&D time & cost developing a proprietary format that does nothing except inconvenience your customers and, in the case of Sony, disappear into obscurity relatively quickly? Haven't they learned anything about how to treat customers?

And the reason for not using standard SD cards is...Money? You can get a 4Gb SD card for practically peanuts, but somehow they need to charge $29 for 4Gb? Seems like ripping off consumers to me.