
It might be a joke, but not a funny one. The arrogant attitude didn't work for Sony and you shouldn't stray to far down that path Nintendo, jokingly or otherwise. I don't own a 3DS because I know a good product when I see one, and I don't see one here.

On the contrary. I've been building and fixing PCs since I was a teenage and I'm Cisco certified. I don't mind fixing problems for people. As long as they've got anti-virus and anti-malware installed, I'm happy to let them do whatever they like, including using whatever browser works best for them. Educating people

Some games have them and it makes little difference to me. I'd say the vast majority of gamers wouldn't know if they're on one or not.

It's ironic that I come across this thread on the first page I see the new feature of 'this thread can not be replied to because it's too short.' Who's genius idea was that little gem?

You're aware of the irony that you're writing that comment on Gizmodo. What makes you so sure that you're not one of them?

OpenGL performance is 'real life performance'?

Did you really just say the Android OS sucks and link us to a site called macrumours to try and prove it?

There's dozens of Android phones available and they're not "all so freaking huge".

Well, who's going to think this was a 'great' decision. Even Jobs came to regret it.

Or, people could just mind their own business and let people use whatever apps they damn well please. There's nothing more arrogant than telling people they should be doing things your way because you don't like the way they're happy to do it.

I posted exactly the same issue in the forums. I'm a SG 3p specialist and in some games I'll hit 40 points and in others I'm lucky to get 10 with 15% FG. I'm maxed on out 3pt shooting, consistency and shoot in traffic, but it's still random. Even in the shooting drill, which I used to coast through in 2k11, I've

2K have a bloody cheek asking customers for more money on this buggy, unfinished POS. Once again, some people have given up on MyPlayer mode until a proper patch hits. I come across bugs constantly. How about giving customers a proper, finished, working game before you start touting your DLC? This is the last time I

R* is putting story before Gameplay. They did it with GTAIV and they did it LA Noire. They're trying too hard to tell a tale and try to get you emotionally invested in the game, but they forgot they were games. If I want just story, I'll watch a movie. Saints Row brings over-the-top entertainment, but the point is it

You could have covered you bases a little more in this review. I've been playing for 22 years and have made a living at it in the past. What about people like me? Does it track well? Are we going to be rewarded for our skills? Try putting it in the hands of someone who knows their way around a guitar very well and see

"The most powerful the World"

Not as good as Pittsburgh having one that looks like a giant boob and calling it the 'mellon' arena. That one still wins for me.

You must be trolling. And if you're trying to convince us that the USA has morals, then you're clearly not paying enough attention.

Not bad. :)

Same goes for all the cast from Star Wars. They signed away their rights to merchandising because they thought the movie wouldn't make a nickel. They must feel great about that move today.

I felt the same about the iPad2. I think the only way devs would develop a game that doesn't work on the last gen iPad is if Apple paid them to do so to drive sales of the new one. I rarely see the point of updating to the latest slight upgrade to Apple devices, which is why none of my Apple products are the latest