
Gears drop-in co-op with up to four players is pretty awesome.

I'm pretty sure this is a separate mode where it's just historic teams vs historic teams. I mean, it says it's set in Times Square. Doesn't sound like regular multiplayer to me.

Nope, you paid for access to a beta. That's what is telling you, but they must be the one's who're wrong here, right?

"We didn't anticipate this much demand" is the ultimate bullshit line. They invited people into the beta. They should have known exactly what demand was possible. It makes me worry about the release of the game. Everyone I know will buy it but I'm going to give it a week until their joy wears off and see what they

Isn't that the battlefield motto?

It's not the site design that's the issue, it's the author. Why put that large pic up top when you had an image that same size that was important to the store? Why not post the 'notch' pic in that top space? There's no need for the other image.

Um, they're not free. You paid for access to the beta, remember?

I don't see why it wouldn't be. A Beta is to check for bugs and test features. I think it's pretty likely what you're seeing in the beta is pretty close to what you'll get at retail.

I think the answer is pretty obvious.

Good God man. If it's Jesus's NES, you wouldn't have to blow on your cartridge. Dude could heal the sick, you don't think he can make a NES run properly? In other news, why didn't they tell us what Jesus's Ebay username is and why is the man selling his stuff?

You must be a riot in the pub.

Call us when he's there when you turn it off. Or the Ghostbusters. But call someone.

She bought something on Ebay, and rather than go with the likely and most logical scenario that it was put there by whoever sold it, she assumes some religious intervention? With no disrespect to anyone whatsoever, why is it whenever things like jesus appearing or people being abducted by aliens, it's usually safe to

Ask Crecente. Someone with hair that awesome has to be a disciple of something.

Because if you haven't played it on a controller then "I like it better on a keyboard" is baseless. You have no right to compare the experience of two things when you haven't tried one of them.

I'm pretty sure he already said and apologised for that before the douchy reply.

Tails was a c**t who did nothing to help and the most satisfying moment in Sonic 2 was pushing his ass off a platform. I'd have preferred the game without him, just the like the AI 'helpers' in the LEGO series.

I remember when I was young how simple it was. Mario on Nintendo & Sonic on Sega. I never thought there would be a future where Sega would barely exist and Sonic would appear on other consoles. The way Nintendo is going, I wonder if they're the next Sega? It would be an interesting future where Nintendo gave up on

And who does that? You're telling me you've ever heard someone in conversation say the full name? You wanna come round to my place and watch 'Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope' on bluray? You'd have to be autistic to refer to that game as 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim' instead of Skyrim.

Try creating a game called "Apple presents Star Wars in association with Google" and see how your 'it's just a name' defence flies.