
Which do you recommend? Every sea salt spray I’ve used has left my hair feeling gross - or is this just the way it goes?

It is my culture, and my say is give me a fucking break. People are turning into horrifically sensitive nincompoops about EVERYTHING and I’m so sick and tired of everyone getting their panties in a bunch about stupid shit like this when more pressing matters are exploding all around us.

And that’s her problem why? Just because someone is an asshole to you doesn’t mean you need to go being assholes to others just to make yourself feel more worthy or whatever the hell it is you’re doing. I’m sorry people are constantly commenting or asking about your lack of progeny but hey! Way to be mature about it!

I do - but that has always been the way in my household. I also have a foreign-born parent, so not sure if this has anything to do with it.

I am team flavored tuna! The lemon pepper is my faaaave

This made me guffaw at my desk. All the stars!