
oh god! Another email from that woman!  When is that book gonna be done?

There’s never been free refills on juice, not nowhere, not nohow.

Or, The pursuit of perfection will only lead to tears.

How does a midget stand over you when you sleep?

You spelled ingorance rong.

hey, its a star for all of us! There’s no losers here.

OMG! It IS a police state!

Really? I can get a truck that’s ten years older for the same price as a late 2000s car?

When people ask you to help them move stuff, do you say,

Australia: Land of the Neck Basket!

Your honor, we intend to show that not only wasn’t he born in this city, he wasn’t even born in this country!

If you don’t like cops getting away with killing people, don’t waste your time going after cops.

Noone, is going to fight for this guy.

Let me get this straight, he didn’t kill her?

Does he look like an older version of every boyfriend you ever had?

I thought his thing was that he worked at hotels in Greece for twenty years.

Every executive chairman is a republican supporting garbage can.

Dash Goff could explain it to you.

What the hell is Hudson News?

Ask Steve Howe.