

I was gonna say Betty White.

White chocolate, is NOT CHOCOLATE.

Is hot dog water broth, or stock?

That she couldnt admit to her family that she was dating a DJ was a bit of an issue.

Where you get your packets, the street?

Dude, I been here waiting for you!

a whole packet of onion soup for only a pound and a quarter of beef?

That place is for tourists and people making a tv show.

Barstool for chief’s fans

A large portion of fans who sit in the upper deck of the stadium are racist Trump supporter.

But think how much they’ll save on car insurance!

New Coke, its DA BOMB!

Potato salad is like tunafish and chili.

Thier new slogan: It’s flat Mountain Dew!

Oh, you mean I’ll be able to spend thousands MORE on tickets to a Super Bowl that the Chargers inevitably won’t be playing in?

Anyone consider that maybe, they cant get it down?

A GM once admitted, off the record he thought, that he wanted the team to finish second every year. 

But thats where my E-Coupons are!