Just want you to know you’re my fave commentor.
Just want you to know you’re my fave commentor.
I wonder was Wikileaks always this partisan?
I only want one stripper dancing at my funeral.
I too know a guy who keeps all his receipts in his wallet. I never did find out why.
Ok you first. Write something good Trump has done.
Is anyone else incredibly creeped out by the outfits the girls in the header image are wearing?
That’s an adorable picture of Mariah.
That is depressingly true.
Pope to Bishops: “knock it off guys, ok?”
Kara- as someone who doesn’t wear make up but may have to buy some for SO gifts etc. I appreciate This concise write up.
Hey Kara, since you’re paying upwards of $40 on hand cream anyways, you definitely need to look into Grown Alchemist Vanilla and Orange Peel lotion- here’s a link:
Didn’t he spend a lot of time in a gay nightclub?
That’s not nice.
I mean, wives and family are great, but they’re not “Island Vacation without wives and family” great.
He is the picture of health. He’s on the Jong-Il diet.
I hated Suicide Squad.
Because of COURSE he mentions abortion.