
I distinctly recall racist assholes saying in 2008 that the Obamas would ruin the office with “baby mama drama” because black men always come with baby mama drama in their heads. Oh yeah and that Michelle would be an angry ghetto woman who would air domestic mess in public. Lmfao! Well look who did bring the baby mama

Look, we can cut him in half and they can each have part. Any objections?

I subscribe to the theory that Leo is secretly in love with Kate, but she only sees them as friends. So he lives his life the way he does to fill a void that can never be filled. And one day, many years from now, Leo will be lying on his deathbed. Kate is with him, holding his hand. And he finally admits his feelings

Oooo, now I have a new OTP.

This article makes 14 year old me and 33 year old me swell with joy.

“Best kisser? Leo or Idris?”

You mean Botticelli?

This is astonishingly useful information that I didn’t realize I needed. I plan to follow you in case you accidentally drop additional information relating to very short women and recommended hemlines. As one does.

That shirtdress is an unacceptable length. Acceptable longer lengths are:

you mean correctly?

It doesn’t matter how you say it, everyone knows you mean “Pence.”

Bullshit. Have you heard the way those wankers pronounce aluminium?

The thought of someone trading in a rare misprint for a copy of an in-print, mass-produced record really makes the former record store employee in me FURIOUS

If Cthulu doesn’t win, I’m calling it rigged.

I feel like you’d be seriously limiting your fan base potential with so many syllables.

Maddow is superb. I listen to her podcast the day after; I hope that the powers at be notice that many people access her there. I’m afraid the lovely presidential historian she brings in is going to kill himself live on air; he seems so broken by this horror.

I read it correctly and my answer still stands..b/c that’s what she strives to be.

Stacey Dash.

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

Typical of a Llama to spit in the face of victims.