
It would be cool if that was real, in their world.

I hope one of the spin offs is just the Hound travelling around Westeros calling everyone he meets a Cunt.

Hard pass.

...If you responded to libtard with, “I’m crazy retarded for LIBERTY!” how would they respond? We must test this!

When is it going to be safe to say that Jay Z, Kanye, and Beyonce - their music, their conflicts, their personal lives - are boring?


If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?

I blame the people who took the analogies out of The Youths’ SATs.

As a person who suffers from calluses, I’m offended by your casual use of “thick skin.” 

I have MS and I’d probably consider being friends with Taylor Swift like befriending an autoimmune disorder

I didn’t find it offensive, I kinda felt like it was a dig at taylor.

Just hit the two year mark in not having seen/talked to mine. It sucks sometimes, because I hate that he’ll never know how badly he fucked me up, but at the same time, I get to laugh at how he and his wife are raising their daughter - in the world of child beauty pageants. Hahahahahaha. (I’m by far the most successful

I’m confused by the need for qualifiers after “Chris Hemsworth.”

Zaffy Zuck

Chris Hemsworth as Kevin

Francis seemed like a guy who had a whole life of quiet research (Chemistry PhD) and reading planned and then a bunch of middle management people forced him to take promotion he didn’t want where he has to endure the company of morons.

I’d be fucking pissed too.

Queen Elizabeth II is a classy broad. If she were to eat popsicles, she’d eat cherry-flavored ones on a porch in rural Scotland. And keep the champagne for later. And not Tweet about either one.

Queen Elizabeth II has a much firmer grasp of history, appropriateness, military sacrifice and compassion then every single member of this miserable grifter band.

Trudeau: Did he try that handshake bullshit on you?
Macron: Oh yeah, he totally did. Thanks for the tips.