
Cornering someone in public, in front of a crowd, and hitting them with a surprise marriage proposal is not romantic. It is cruel, and a little bit manipulative ("they'll totally be less likely to say no in front of all these people!"). I really wish this would become A Thing That Never Happens Again.

"If I had made a great sex tape"

Agreed. Look at this insufferable fucking "missing cat" poster:

I can't. I can't. I can't words. What. This is. No. Make stop. Why is.


I'm sure they would also agree that it is moist. Moist and yeasty, like a nursing home shower drain.

To make it even worse, the recipe author repeatedly describes the rolls as "yeasty."

All those delicious photos you've posted for BCO have just been cancelled out with this one post. God I want to barf.

What bugs me most about this is actually her nails. Gross gross gross. French manicures where the white has been painted so far down that it gives the illusion that the fingernail is attached to the finger by only the slightest sliver and it would take only the smallest bit of leverage to tear it entirely off GROSSES

Can someone make it so I can star anti-ranch comments more than once? Writing a script to make fake accounts just so I can star something 1000s of times seems like work.

Not a recipe, but once I was looking for lasagna recipes and three different recipes suggested using cottage cheese. Do people not know what ricotta cheese is? Why is this okay? Gross ugh.

According to my mother my favorite snack when I was a toddler was Play-Do. And that pumpkin spice martini looks like the revenge drinks that my siblings and I used to make my cousin when she babysat us and would make us go to bed on time. We used to take every vile thing in the kitchen and mix it together and tell her

I feel like whoever was making that bologna cake was making a seriously lame attempt as something wonderful - the smörgåstårta

I hate that I know this, but many Real Housewives do have actual high powered jobs. Just as an example, Phaedra on RHOA is a lawyer. *hangs head in shame*

It looks like it has gained sentience and is trying to crawl away.

When I was a child, I would eat packets of salted butter when we went out to restaurants because we never had it in my house and I guarantee that was a healthier and less insane choice than eating any of these things.

This now makes me want to create a new Pinterest board in which I pin things like this, and label them entirely with word combos from the Guy Fieri Flavortown Dish Generator like "Punk Rock Reggie's triple X pork honk with Tuscan-style beef taffy."

Some of these could not look more like vomit if they actually were vomit. I think that tuna casserole actually IS vomit, and whoever posted it is just fucking with us all.

Alternative name: The November 1st Martini

Well, i know what i'm making for my office holiday we-hate-you-so-a-real-party-is-out potluck this year.