
Trees laughing at researchers? What is this faggot tree?

It’s okay, Anne Frank was my neighbour.

I also wonder what the refresh rate will be. If it is slow like e-paper, then say goodbye to tv’s, because it would be too slow. Nonetheless it is a good find and hope it will have some good application.

Only if you put an Apple sticker on it ;) . Then they would’ve reinvented the watch...again...

I only need the button for the stewardess gigity gigity

Great think about all of the mess when it gets punctured. Or does it have ductape with it? Or perhaps even gorilla tape?

There are people on the internet? O.o

Tech-savy people? The majority doesn’t even have acces to daily food and you guys think they have acces to computers/dvdplayer/usb-devices?

So...I think it’s time for some cake!

I can game max. one hour. Actually not a bad idea.

As my Calculus professor from the Uni said: Mathematicians, what they say is correct, but isn’t usefull in reallife.

What sci-fi series is that from? I remember seeing it before.

How is fracking going to help poor people get richer? Are you fracking out of your mind? Or are you just fracking me? To frack or not to frack. Frack.... This is my new word, instead of the bird.

Don’t Forget Chicken!!! Now I want Egyptian chickens, anyone know a good place where they have good Egyptian chickens?

You tell that to the Romans ;) and their Colosseum. Bad thing is we don’t know how they made those damn concrete, but it could Handle water

NiMH batteries have one big flaw, mainly

Can you imagine how long it would take to send data if it would find Frieza? 0.o

This is more likely ‘going yellow’ than green...

Unless you’re a woman ;)

Also Germany was the first nation who banned animal testing and the first modern nation to stop people smoking. There was a real campaign against smoking and that it was bad for your health.