
Ugh, I hate articles like this on Jezebel.

Now playing

And they come complete with a glorious theme song

Maybe someone should start a line of shoes called "Feet? Us?"


ATTENTION WHITE PEOPLE: "Paula Deen used the n-word a couple of times." wasn't the only racist allegation in that trial. Educate yourselves before speaking about this matter any further.

In the cases of skin-whitening creams, I don't think it's wanting to look "Western", but rather, wanting to look pale. There's a big difference. That's like saying the European women who for centuries avoided the sun did so to look like albinos. They didn't- they just wanted to look like they were in the upper

Oh, of course they did.

The only problem is that the theory, like a wide array of economic theories, while seemingly being great on paper, isn't completely holding up as predicted on the ground. A big debate in the battle against malaria is the distribution method of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) to repel and kill mosquitoes throughout the

Also, the footed variety for your very weirdest dreams:

Wow, so accurate. I have an urge to go and cup something now..

Someone at Jezebel, for the love of god, PLEASE start editing Doug Barry's writing. Look, we all write shit sometimes - it's part of being a writer. But anyone would have read this and said "Yeah, maybe less about 'Weeds' and more about, you know, details of the program and what they're selling and THINGS UNRELATED TO

Now playing

Yeah, it's even worse than a typical non-apology. It's not even I'm sorry for offending you, it's I'm sorry you people can't handle how I really am so I'll just shut up because you people have such a big problem with me that I can't defend myself.

Unless they're Ludovicoing you, it's still just an expression, not an imposition, surely? Walk away. Or, you know, listen to them, try to understand their point of view, and challenge it if you have an actual counter-argument.

How does expressing an opinion on something get transformed into "imposing their beliefs"? How are they forcing their opinion on you?

First, great article, Dodai!

But wouldn't it make you sad if all the sexy ladies of the world always insisted on wearing swimming mu-mus? This is what it's like to go to the beach and just see hot dudes in super baggy shorts. I respect people to wear whatever they want and wouldn't harass any specific person, but damn, it would be nice to see

Here is how it should be done:

Yes, I think we saw the same comment! And if I remember correctly, it was for something that had actually been covered on Jez previously and had gotten a solid "meh" from commenters here. The gawking neckbeard idea that Jez readers go black-eyed and frothing at the mention of a Y chromosome (in an entertaining way

I want someone to pre-taste Pharrell's Qream for me. That sounds so much dirtier than it should.

The fucked up thing is that the study has been accepted and will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology :|