
I hope the issue of sterilizations gets more coverage, and I think it is likely that Finland will follow Sweden in repealing those laws - which are common throughout Europe.

Great job! This is the best English-language piece I've read covering these stamps. A well, researched look at the artist is more insightful and better journalism than some facts about a small country cobbled together from questionable sources.

That Slate post is shows a lack of research and the comparison between the U.S. it has to work into the piece is something I won't even touch.

Your acquaintance gives a rather misleading picture of the current LGBT rights situation in Finland in contrast to the US.

It is easier to for many to believe a trans woman is a woman - because who would want to be someone less privileged, like a woman, if they were not born one. "Wanting to be a man" on the other hand is such a common misconception about a lot of nonconforming female behavior, as well as being a trans man (in that they

Russians from the gorgeus old days are judging your schnoz.

Yeah, why is it that only when white people do this they get booed at by sports fans? The hypocrisy is staggering.

I think I'll keep on being aware of the difference between rhetorical devices and argumentation based on logical fallacies.

I never said half a million was the appropriate compensation (although her's is one of the rare lines of work where a bruised butt can lead to loss of earnings, although probably nowhere near that much). I was exaggerating to make a point to someone who saw no injustice that she'd have the right to sue for,and should

I never said half a million was the appropriate compensation. I was exaggerating to make a point to someone who saw no injustice that she'd have the right to sue for, and should find another job (which might elevate her value as a person to a level where employers would be accountable for misconduct towards her, I

I agree, if the job listing mentioned the possibility of someone hitting a golf-club at her ass hard enough to bruise (and not just pretending to do so, as one might assume to be what was happening - and agree to - if it was a modelling gig, and she wasn't hired to be an actual human golf tee holder).

There's be a bouncy castle set up under the cliff to soften the fall and get some nice jiggling moob shots.

I'd expect some better damage control, unless Playboy is using this golf event as a platform to branch out into the battered women -fetish market. Leave the food stamps to the really needy.

If my example is to straw-man, please tell me how much how much, if any, responsibility the party organizing a sporting event(and therefor assumed to have some knowledge of the risks involved) should have in your opinion, when suggesting dangerous stunts to someone who might was hired with the sole job requirements of

So if I worked as a photographer for a respectable, large media company, I could hire a bunch of models to do a photo shoot near the edge off a cliff and tell them to take a few more steps away from the camera while facing me and smiling, and if someone follows my directions (not wanting to get a reputation as a

Maybe it's because I am no expert in sports injuries sustained when the sports are being played off one's ass, but the bruising looks much worse than I'd expected from the video.

Straight women who do this kind of stuff should also be made aware that they are enforcing harmful stereotypes about female sexuality being less meaningful than its male counterpart.

Thanks! (although I was up too late last night and my time zone isn't the best fit for social gatherings on Gawker Media)

I totally know the feeling of having the citations and context in my head but not succeeding in getting that across to whoever I was trying to communicate with. I liked to read Foreign Affairs as a teen because I had no social life, but now my own field is about as far-removed from real-life events as you can get.