
I’m not crazy about shoe-horning Jake into the Freudian model, but I will never complain about Adventure Time content. It’s easily one of my favorite shows of all time.

I agree. I think that’s what’s tipping the scales and making people think of the story as some kind of exposé on male behavior. Viewing it in that context robs the story of a lot of its richness.

Definitely. But I think it would be a disservice to the nuances of the writing to pretend that it’s just a story meant to help men realize how they can be perceived. There’s a lot more going on there.

Did you read the interview with the author? I think it’s really interesting, as well.

How could a man read that and say, without irony, that ‘it happens to him all the time’ and that he is constantly just getting used? Yikes.

That’s the exact same thing I thought when I read that line.

The Golden Path is also interesting because it was the end goal. He just used his godhead to achieve it.

When I read Chapterhouse as a teenager, I was extremely confused by the Jews showing up.

Are you talking about the assembled collection of rules generally embraced by the characters in the Dune universe?

Well, sure it’s not a religion in the traditional sense of the word. But that’s one of the major themes of the book, isn’t it? The idea that anything can be a religion when you apply rules and dogma like one.

Disappointed not to see the Jared Fogle tweet represented here.

Coming from Mike... that’s a serious grade. I’m very interested in this.

The two songs linked in the review just sound like the new Arcade Fire album.

Hulu literally did not exist in 2002.

Apple products are tech for people without imaginations of their own.

What does that mean, exactly? Unless by iPhone you mean “smartphone.”

Still reading the Malazan series. I’m about halfway through Dust of Dreams.

But Destiny 2 has one thing all of those don’t, which is a connection to the tense, lively, compelling world of Destiny 2.

If you can’t recall who Luyendyk Jr. is, he’s an IndyCar driver turned real estate broker who, despite not being memorable enough to move on to The Bachelor after his Bachelorette defeat.