
You realize you're posting that thought on a form of social media, right?

I liked that movie, but I was truly confused that it was on the list.

I laughed harder at that scene in the theater than just about anything else I can think of.

The average Twitter user's logic:

Slap-a da bass man.

The image on be main page is Cersei, who clearly did not die. The only way to get spoiled would be to click on the actual link, in which case you're obviously going to find spoilers.

I still can't get over how incredible this episode was. I read the books after season two, and I haven't been that truly shocked since Ned died.

I liked The Box. It's definitely not perfect, but I enjoyed that it was just so strange in that very specific Richard Kelly way.


It's missing the flash-cuts of Margaery and Ser Pounce's faces right as he jumps.

Honestly, this episode and BOTB were both incredible. BOTB was one of the most impressive TV episodes of all time - hell, when was the last time you saw a battle sequence like that in any medium outside of Lord of the Rings?

We're obviously being shown scenes that are many days or weeks apart.

If Davos dies, we riot.

Wow, Horizon looks really great.

I bought it because I'm a huge Radiohead fan. Hell, I think I bought In Rainbows twice - once for the pay what you want digital download (I paid $7, thanks) and once for the physical CD.

fights paranoid androids and doesn't afraid of anything except death

I assume this is a joke. If there's any band that truly could reject Spotify and not have it effect their popularity or their bottom line, it has to be Radiohead.

DAE GRRM subverted tropes?

There are barely even rules in the books. It's all just magic anyway, I think the writers can be forgiven for bending the so-called "rules."

Keep reading and then keep reading, in my opinion. Some people think the first one is the best and that the rest go down hill, but I think all of the original six are incredible.