
One of the things that led to Mike's downfall is that he consistently underestimated Walt. I was thinking that this protection job was showing us just how Mike likely viewed Walt when he first met hi - hardly any better than minivan guy here.

Honestly, it's better than I remember. I thought it was just the few highlight episodes that were so good but I think the writing holds up pretty well.

Troi's mother is literally the worst.

While the threesome scene between Don, Megan and Megan's what's-her-name friend was extremely racy, it was very uncomfortable. Knowing that Megan was desperate enough to try something like that just to get Don to pay attention to her or just because she thought that's what he wanted - it was extremely hard to watch

Refn knows exactly what people watched Drive for - that's why he made Only God Forgives to fuck with those people.

This thread is officially a safe space for people who didn't LOVE It Follows


Honestly, I thought AFFC was pretty great. I've said it before, but it simply isn't possible to keep the story going at the pace it was in ASOS - if Martin had tried to do that, people would be calling him a hack without any idea how to write characters (er… well, more people at least).

The Thing is one of my favorite five movies of all time. It never gets old.

Has anyone made the joke about how the F actually stands for fucking?

I work in e-discovery and I get really, stupidly excited whenever TV lawyers talk about it. I'm sure my wife is really tired of me nudging her every time it's mentioned.

It's certainly much more comfortable in its identity. Season one (and even parts of season two) of BrBa was still finding its footing.

I think I made that connection somewhere deep in my brain but just refused to acknowledge it.

I'd like to put this joke on a spaceship along with the GRRM fat jokes and the Justin Bieber girl jokes and launch it into the sun.

I was operating under the assumption that it was rated PG.

imagen if seinfeld was great job intarnet

it would be terible

I could see that. She has a much more laid back, stoner-ish feel to her music that I really like, though.

-Liars (though they're like an alternate universe Radiohead)
-Brand New (please I don't want to get into an argument about emo)
-Fugazi (also likely once in a generation)

"The Great Red Dragon" is the name for the meal in which you a 20-foot log of salami dressed in other spiced meats such as pepperoni and capicola.

John Wick is great.

I Know What You Dowd Last Summer