
I bought a bottle of Linie Aquavit from CostCo last night.

I can't be the only one who is uncomfortable with comparing unpaid internships to slavery, right?

Hey, did you guys know GRRM kills lots of characters?

I'm here to tell you 10 months later that I love this.

Well, the whole movie is kind of based around the ambiguity of the reality of his condition.

Hey, finally someone else who's tired of Nerd endlessly going for the pandering, easy references on every article!

I don't know. I hate the pop culture mashup bullshit more than anything, but I never really get tired of 8-bit (or whatever-bit, don't care that much) versions of things, especially songs.

Wasn't it infanticide and not an abortion?

I realize North Korea's military isn't the greatest, so this probably isn't all that possible…

But wouldn't it be hilarious in a Dr. Strangelove sort of way if our world ended by way of nuclear holocaust all because of a James Franco movie?

Having never dealt with depression myself, the only time I felt like I ever came close to understanding it was after having read David Foster Wallace's writings on the subject.

I've never been a huge Gaslight Anthem fan, but I've listened through this once and it doesn't sound that different from their other stuff. Seems like a fine album to me.


Well he drank a really big slushie and his dad wouldn't stop at that McDonald's they passed, so it's totally not his fault.

Honestly, I finally just read a bunch of the specific examples cited in that Lovecraft eZine article. I'm not impressed.

If they want to compete with Netflix, HBO Go needs to fix its interface (on Xbox at least). It's horrible in comparison, and even Netflix's has lots of things I don't like about it.

This is the worst Great Job Internet yet.

Depending on how you feel about screamo (I mean true late 90s screamo) and metal, you might enjoy Sunbather by Deafheaven. It's shoegaze filtered through those other two genres I mentioned.

Who wants to talk about Death Note (the anime, not the manga) with me?

My facial hair is a disgrace. My body hair in general is just confusing.

You're definitely right.