
Anthony Anderson, who I think is actually a pretty good actor.

Myles - Just wanted to say, I am digging these reviews a lot. I also really liked your fill-in review for Game of Thrones this season. You find that sweet spot between overly thesis-driven essays only tangentially related to the show and simple plot recaps. It's a balance that I find lots of reviewers struggle with.

It's called charisma.

Films with an all male cast? You mean like Glengarry Glen Ross?

I saw this whole situation play out on Twitter in real time because I follow Ryan Pequin, Partridge's boyfriend.. Very odd to see it in that medium.

Played lots of Polish horseshoes.

That seems very likely to me.

Commenting 3 years late, but Picard probably remembered all the times the Enterprise would've been well and truly fucked if it hadn't been for Data.

I don't think the book lacks plot, but I can understand why people say that. Incidentally, the reasons people say that (the fact that there are so many asides) is what I think makes it a great candidate for TV adaptation.

The book was more of a series of quiet stories with a common theme, which is about as perfect as you can get for a TV series in my opinion.

I'm sure it was the theatrical cut. The version we watched was just one we had gotten from the video store (haha, video store).

I, Robot is a pretty good sci-fi film if you take it on its own merits and don't insist on comparing it to the Asimov source material.

I've seen that picture before - is that just some random fan who wanted a photo with him?

Back in about 2003 or 2004, I stumbled across a website that claimed Lift Your Skinny Fists by Godspeed synced up to this movie the same way Dark Side of the Moon does with Oz.

The Weather Channel is losing its mind. The clickbait articles on their website are absolutely outrageous.

I understand the need for a villain from a plot perspective, but Vee is just tiresome. Not interesting, and it's just annoying to see her constantly play everyone and then make that evil face once they walk away.

The code for Fallout 3 and New Vegas is so buggy that if you told me someone had managed to beat the game in five seconds I wouldn't doubt it whatsoever.

Critics shouldn't have to avoid spoilers when they write, since anyone hoping to not be spoiled shouldn't be reading about something they haven't watched yet.

I personally avoid spoilers, because I prefer to enjoy most works of fiction with as little previous knowledge as possible.

You and I are on the same page. I loved the Ironborn stuff in AFFC, but Cersei's chapters became so tedious.