
Just about any Elliott Smith song will do, but Twilight always hit me the hardest.

The NPR article I read about this had this hilarious line about whether his costume was truly an accident:

Yes, absolutely. His writing never actually says much. It's kind of just a bunch of adverbs thrown together for "humorous" effect.

I am still a huge Bright Eyes fan, but most of Oberst's output since Cassadaga has bored me.

Hey! I also don't like Nabin!

They obviously showed it because they were aware of the drama factor. Usually, they will only show the reaction of someone drafted that late when there's been a narrative about them leading up to the draft.

Target Field might feel soulless if you're used to Safeco or another new-ish stadium, but it's literally about a billion times better than the Metrodome was.

The only things I can think of that don't make sense are just the details that they obviously wouldn't be able to predict - cell phones, car models, that type of thing.

Well, only about 2 years of "in-show" time passed from the first episode to the final episode. The series started in 2008.

They seem to be going with the magic calendar that so many TV shows use, where they don't really pay attention to the actual dates. See also: Breaking Bad when Uncle Jack made a reference to Bin Laden's assassination.

Really? I bet most politicians know that. Most Americans, probably not. We don't spend much time talking about WWI in general.

I really wanted her to drop the accent right in there in the hospital so we could see his hopes get crushed.

I agree that it's mitigated by the fact that there's no doubt Dan would do that (or worse) if the positions were reversed.

That Diana speed line was hilarious and awful at the same time.

I don't have a problem with that, but I think a lot of this anger towards trigger warnings comes from the fact that the kind of people who demand them are also the same kinds of people who will be outraged that someone could possibly write about a traumatic experience and not include a trigger warning.

This was a great review. A bit more focused than Todd's tend to be. I really liked your scene by scene break downs - that kind of analysis really resonates with how I experience the show myself.

Heretics has become my favorite in recent years. It's kind of like an in-series reboot.

Haven't read this in years, but I've soured on Eggers in general.

I've only physically met one or two other people in my entire life who've read the original Dune series in its entirety.

But soon, interns all across the world will be able to vicariously get their revenge ,as they see evil corporate masters brutally murdered by the interns the oppress—in a movie.