
Only by 0.75? Aren't you an overachiever.

Well, figure 40+ hours a week for the last 5 years or so…

I'm still struggling with the idea that someone can not be a huge fan of Teti's writing. He's better than literally everyone else here, except for O'Neal. They're about even with each other.


Well… quick compared to Gravity's Rainbow. Which, then again, so is everything.

In that case, I'd say it's easy enough to just take it on its own and figure out as many obscure references as you can based on context.

Still reading 2666. I finally finished the Part about the Critics, am now reading the Part about Amalfitano, which was slow at first but I'm really starting to like it.

The Crying of Lot 49 is great! It's a quick read, unless you're intent on understanding every reference, in which case… not so much.


Shush, you!

The Camera That Rides

No offense to you, but how could you not know that? Are you not caught up with the books? If not, why are you reading this?

Interesting that this is getting such attention now, considering he's already released four other preview chapters.

Really? I realize in a general genre sense they fit in somewhere, but I've always thought that no one really sounds like them.

Grand Moff Tarkin, obviously.

I think my my Teti man-crush just surpassed my Ryan Gosling man-crush.

I bought some Laphroaig, as I'd been meaning to try it and someone here recommended it a couple weeks ago.

Nah dude, the douche-bro mullet is what gives him his power. Just own it.

I think all their stuff holds up well. It helps that they weren't really a part of any of the musical trends going around in the 2000s - they're still one of the most unique bands I've ever listened to.

I don't recall Cough very well, but I'm pretty sure it was just more of the same from their debut. The grating vocals were kind of their thing.