So basically you’re saying we need Jason Segal full time?
So basically you’re saying we need Jason Segal full time?
The main problem with the most recent Muppet movie was that it had Ricky Gervais in it. A man who regularly makes the top five of British people you want to punch in the face after Simon Cowell. That is a tough list to get on, it is a competitive field.
See, I loved Jane Eyre but didn’t care for Wuthering Heights. I didn’t love to hate the characters, I just hated them.
1) wish to indulge in costume porn
It’s also great for fans of: really good movies, Ben Whishaw, Keats, sassy ladies.
As a Dickens fanatic, I can’t decide if I’d be happy if he got this same sort of ridiculous fandom.
I don’t think he’s right, but he is amusing in his wrongness.
Here’s my friend and I with Mr. Wickham last year. My friend made both our dresses and her bonnet! #skills
This holds up right until the point where you actually talk to a lot of atheists. I’d gladly spend time with any religious person short of the Duggars rather than your average atheist.
This is how I feel every month when I pay my HOA dues. Just throwin’ money away...
We still read Three Men in a Boat, the humour there wins out over the now incomprehensible cultural references. Pratchett wrote in very much the same vein so I suspect that will carry him through
What duck?
AS Byatt reviewed The Shepherd’s Crown for the Guardian and she thinks it’s classic Pratchett and he is an important writer:
I love everything about this and should probably just shut down the internet for the night because it can only go downhill from here.
He’ll be read well into the future when people try to figure out why the internet has
From the article:
What’s your malfunction, Rico?
Never-ending quotable dialgue is right. I use the line “Remember your training...and you will make it back alive!” almost daily.
Forget the politics — the mobile armor! The mobile armor! THAT’S what I wanted to see!