
At the very end when they all look up and grin!!! So precious.

The people that make these have excellent taste. Like, a date with a gondola ride and a big plate of Italian food is a good date. A birthday party with drunk, sloppy hedgehogs? Good party.

The only dating advice my mother ever gave me was "Never date a man who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter." It has served me well.

My tipping practices are what alerted my GF to my poor skills at arithmetic and worse skills at ballparking.

"As a palate cleanser for the last two weeks, please enjoy some stories of terrible customers receiving their just rewards."

So, you wouldn't try and fail but try and die......of shock that your film wasn't nominated?

Why is the internet suddenly filled with Dune references all of a sudden?

I mean, is it possible to say that Craig sounds like a snobby dick without making it about #notallmidwesternchristians? Because that's where I am. I don't think Midwestern Christians are oppressed, but that whole paragraph just sounds rude and is also pretty unnecessary to the story. It's less oppression and more

I'm Mormon, and me too.

in case anybody's wondering (which you're not) my mormon mom and i watched the press conference live this morning and then cried at her kitchen table because we were so mad. she wondered, "just once could they tell people to love each other without adding 'but' to the end of the sentence?"

A valid point, but when we're talking about institutions that are incredibly resistant to change I think we should support their baby-steps, albeit without going overboard with regards to giving them credit.

Man, every religion other than mine sure is dumb.

Yep, the Seahawks fanbase is comprised almost entirely of insufferable, bandwagon fans, too. Well, except for my polite-to-a-fault 90-plus-year-old grandparents who waited decades for them to win a Super Bowl. Well, and my immediate family. They're pretty cool. Oh, and also almost every Seahawks fan I've met in my

Is Vigo Celtic?

I would expect something a little more motivational...

First the North Koreans tank The Interview, now the King of Gondor is calling out soccer players. Crazy week for international incidents.

The thrill of victory, the agony of de feet.

"A foot like a blind cobbler's thumb!"

Countinho is my new favourite slightly cranky old man.

Paul passed the gummi jabbar test, and is the Kwisatz Haribo.