Good Job Bro

Online multiplayer was old hat to PC players, but it wasn’t until the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube that it truly came to consoles.

Online multiplayer was old hat to PC players, but it wasn’t until the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube that it truly came to consoles.

Don’t you just love when developers do good things? It’s something we should remember when deciding whether we should pre-order or buy a game used. Support those who support you and they’ll grow to further support you in the future.

More of this in the games industry, please.

Bwah, someone copyrighted “People are awesome” and successfully enforced their copyright? What’s this world coming to?!

It’s not happening. There’s a Political Correctness crusade that’s happening in Western Social Media right now that aims to crucify all things non-conformist.

I think Nintendo is doing the right move by avoiding the PC crusaders over what’s a minor joke in the scheme of the game. I don’t blame them honestly, I just

See, if you think about being the absolute opposite is just as impressive. It takes special skill to die as much as I do. Skill that, obviously, you plebs simply don’t possess :P

I actually love Infinite. I had to replay it again in Japanese last year as part of a research project and I liked who the opening was just different enough but familiar enough compared with the first game.

“I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture.”

Bioshock was one of my top games of the 360/PS3 generation. Both that and Mass Effect had a sort of wonder to them, the sense of discovering something completely new, and a sense that the technology had finally, more or less, caught up with the developers’ imaginations.

One of the few games that actually deserve an HD Remaster. Especially if it was remade in Unreal 4.

OMG the memories!

No! says the man in Washington, it belongs to the poor.

Is man not entitled to the sweat from his brow?

Maybe this is how you unlock single-player DLC.

Man, I fucking miss Mass Effect and how good it was.

Bloodborne’s biggest problem is the absence of dedicated servers. Peer-to-peer make pvp often unplayable in my experience.

Hilent Sills TP

I’m sure you know already, but the King’s Fall Raid is challenging. The first time you do it you look at it and question, “Why?” Lol But if you have a good group who has done the raid before and explains what to do well then you’ll enjoy it more. The only downside about the raid is getting damn moldering shards