Good Job Bro

Race isn’t just genetics. If that were the case, Obama and other people of mixed race ancestry would not be just black. It’s significant enough ancestry from a race that it determines the phenotype wholly or mostly, which would affect how the person is perceived by society thus how they identify their race.

Why do you think racial bias against whites is OK?

Racial prejudice against whites only makes you look racist.

I’m late, but I liked the article anyway and would gladly read another, even if it were just about your feelings.

So finally we enforce our laws against umdocumented immigration and that is xenophobic? You probably believe it’s racist too like a lot of Hispanics do because hey, Mexico is a race isn’t it?

I very much disagree with you. Players will fool around and play uncooperatively regardless of their character choosings. You see, unlimited duplicates are in no way an enabler of that kind of playstyle. 

No online upload and download? No buy.

Players should play however they want, I say. This is no different than 360° trickshot quickscoping for entire matches.

European Americans make up a much larger portion of the US population so what are you insinuating? They should commit more crimes as a whole.

European Americans make up a much larger portion of the US population so where are you getting at exactly? They should commit more crimes as a whole.

So are you white or what? Mexican doesn’t imply you’re non-white.

because criminals are disproportionately found in this group*

Way too hot for that here. I’ll wait until mid-Autumn before I give it a shot.

I think it makes speedruns a lot less impressive than they sound e.g. Mario 64 in 30 minutes?? No way!

More like they think he meant in spite of VR causing motion sickness because it’s running just at 60fps for one, something he feels is comparable works fine for him and only at 30fps so he doesn’t see frame rate as a contributor to nausea here.

Excellent! I hope they don’t take the initial fan reaction the wrong way. We love that Resident Evil is getting its horror element back, it’s just the demo overrepresented that. What we didn’t know was it’s a reassurance to us fans rather than a sample of everything in RE7.


Rather not.

I’ve also seen and heard of the “perfect bronze glow”, “perfect tan” etc everywhere. Personally, I’ve been shamed numerous times for having pale skin. I see a huge double standard here, where irrelevant Western ideologies are idiotically assumed essential to Eastern beauty standards.

Perhaps we’re looking at this the wrong way. Replace “whiteness” here with “tanned skin” and no one from the West would have a problem, would we?