Good Job Bro

I have an irrational fear of those narrow alleys in the night. I’d hate to meet a mugger there. Some are just too long.

Please be awesome like season 1. What I liked most about season 2 was its depressing first episode and meeting Kenny. The Walking Dead season 3 season pass, Dark Souls 3, and Outlast 2 are must-buys for me this year.

More anti-Trump propaganda. Yawn.

Is that even a valid criticism? An older idea is not inherently wrong. Should everyone possess today’s common attitude just because it’s popular and that makes it "better"? That’s abdurd discrimination-based bullying and very narrow minded of you. No one needs to feel pressured to adopt a popular attitude. SJW out.

Are you saying we should support unfimished ganes with our money? Doesn’t buying unfinished games at launch encourage more of the same? I see unfinished games becoming the new standard if we continue to buy them at launch.

You’ve still got it, Jason. Take your cheap laugh.

Are we really still calling current gen “next-gen”?

It’s not a big deal and I don’t understand why some people have their panties in a bunch. It reminds me how some people thought Resident Evil 5 was racist because it’s set in Africa and most enemies are black Africans. They’re taking things out of context and blowing it out of proportion.


Well New York City can looK gloomy so that’s probably why.

When you brought up bad shotguns, I immediately thought Call of Duty. MLG and eSports has the franchise designed for them now and they always go for a chaotic map design, effectively killing tactial and defensive play therefore hurting light machine guns’ defensive role. They throw in horrible marshmallow shooters for

Well with the way eSports is dictating game balance in games such as CoD, I’m glad they’re not out to ruin Souls games too. They really want the games they play designed entirely around their playstyle.

But he’s just on “vacation”—a really long “vacation”.

Please be something with Guilermo and Reedus. Their original vision for Silent Hills but without its story or assets and call it ‘Muffled Mounds’ or ‘Mute Mountains’ or ‘Hushed Hillside’.

What if it’s cancelled?

“I have a feeling Konami’s been silent...”

I don’t quite get it. If they want to appease to some people they’re surely changing the game because of external influences. I guess just because they don’t want something in the game that would not sit right for some doesn’t necessarily mean they will cater to them because they never said that. Is that what you mean?

Funny thing is she’s obviously biracial. How is she just black again and why is it okay for an actual black person to play her but not a white?

Expensive relative to their perceived value today, not to our earnings.

Males are oftentimes depicted as muscle bound, aggressive jerks and/or perverted horn dogs. But why should I care? It isn’t real. Ninja and other game developers are just trying to appeal to certain groups and their visions shouldn’t be limited because of some hyper sensitive people offended by fictional, virtual