I’m sorry... when someone says “in Minecraft”, and yet the thing relies on third party code, that’s not really “in Minecraft”, is it? It’s just a program using Minecraft for its UI.
I’m sorry... when someone says “in Minecraft”, and yet the thing relies on third party code, that’s not really “in Minecraft”, is it? It’s just a program using Minecraft for its UI.
Now I can order a pizza from minecraft. Goodbye real world
Of course the comment from the one worker doesn’t reflect upon the entire company. People just need to calm down and see where the localization picture takes it. It only sounded dire because KT kept making statements that it won’t get localized, but there’s always a chance + language differences could have made it…
Because the system requirements for this at realistic, playable, consistent levels is insane. Not to mention that consoles couldn’t even begin to even look at this let alone run it.
Shut. Up.
So you missed the part where it was $10?
So you missed the part where it was $10?
Praise the Sun!
I’m ready. Oh So ready. I even made a new strength character in preparation for this and saved a good chunk (hehe) of my upgrade materials.
Here’s hoping that it doesn’t add the 1-2 frames of input delay that PS2 Classics had on PS3. Capcom Vs. SNK 2 was almost unplayable because of it.
That’s not really relevant, though.
You clearly didn’t play enough PS2 games.
If it’s more reliable than PCSX2 emulation, I’m all for it. I would really love to play those rare PS2 gems.
What do you mean? The emulation will be free, the games you’ll obviously have to buy. And if ps3 prices are anything to go off of, they’ll be $10 each.
the game’s still doing alright.
That’s some excellent reporting Jason.
“I don’t really have anything to add to the previous answer, except that we really encourage backers to read the project updates!” Now, if you’ll excuse me.
This game was too advanced for the console generation it was released in. They’d see a lot more success if something like this came out today.
Finally! Now who gathered the dragon balls and made this happen? I want to thank them personally.
I'm really sad that this game, like all other modern horror games, seems to miss the point. Why is it that we only seem to get big dumb action games with "gross" skins on top of them, and then boring Amnesia clones? Why are those our only options anymore?