Internet rule #1: Don't feed the trolls.
Hilarious, 10/10
Because this article isn't about Minecraft, it's about the world's reaction to the sale of Minecraft to a major tech institution for a massive sum. Which, for obvious reasons, is still of interest to many of us who didn't find the game very fun.
Ding ding ding. Plus the usual teen-teen garbage: threatening to end a relationship if the partner doesn't put out, refusal to useprotection, getting the partner intoxicated and ignoring protests, using violence or emotional manipulation (threats of suicide, social humiliation etc). Some kids are fucked up and the…
It's all come full circle, hasn't it.
It might not be what flowbee thinks, but it's absolutely what's they're saying. Taking white men as a group to task for the behavior of a shitbag subset of the population is a horrible tactic precisely because it paints well-adjusted guys and shitbags as allies. Men who've made an honest effort to get educated about…
And I was thinking just the opposite!
This comment's circular logic is the really shameful thing. Anyway, stay proud and ashamed to be an American.
I tinkered a lot with CGI when I was in my early teens (Blender, anyone?), had a real knack for animation and lighting. The former was more fun to show off, but there was something unspeakably satisfying about a well-lit scene. When I left, ambient occlusion had only just made it into the internal renderer, so I did…
Plus above-average compensation. I'm a very casual gamer, but I've been dreaming about working at Valve since I was fourteen; the handbook has been around for a while, and it won me over the first time I read it. I'm an accounting/econ major, but I'll still be applying there as soon as I get some experience. Last I…
It's covered in the handbook. Little groups with internal hierarchies form all the time to complete projects. But overall, there aren't strictly defined power structures (beyond those at the very top). It'ss brilliant from a management standpoint, keeping employees too busy with political/social evolution around the…
So pessimistic. How could art of this calibre encourage anything but the highest order of intellectual discussion?
Are they? Really? One or two of these look normal. The rest look like pre-bloom tulips with varying rigidity. Pencil dicks everywhere.
Never used it before this, so I'm afraid I can't speak to past versions. However, I was a Chrome diehard and Opera got me on my first try, which says something. It feels noticeably more responsive and lightweight, loads faster, etc. All the good stuff.
Got on board with Chrome early on, been using it for years. Felt the same as you and made the switch to Opera a few months ago, haven't looked back. Easily the fastest browser out there, sleek UI, support for just about every extension I was using before. Highly recommend.
It's okay Bill, you've still got the Gates Foundation.
The scag'll do that to ya.